Page 15 - Prospectus
P. 15
At the heart of SMCC, our pastoral
system supports all students to access
their learning and strive to achieve
exceptional results regardless of
personal circumstances.”
Pastoral support
At our school, we are guided by the House System
core values of being ready, resilient, Our vibrant House System is at the heart of
and respectful. These values shape our our school community, fostering a strong
commitment to supporting, nurturing sense of belonging and teamwork among
and educating our students to become our students. We have five houses: Eagle,
responsible, kind and ambitious Falcon, Harrier, Kestrel and Osprey and
contributors to society. We believe every student becomes a valued member
that a safe and happy environment is of one of these houses upon joining us.
essential for learning and we strive to
ensure every student feels welcomed The Heads of Year also serve as Heads of
and valued. House, providing guidance and support
while encouraging a spirit of healthy
Each day begins with our Morning competition and camaraderie. Throughout
Welcome, where students gather to the year, a wide range of House competitions
meet their peers, enjoy a nutritious take place, offering something for everyone
breakfast and prepare for the day ahead. and allowing students to showcase their
During this time, they are greeted by talents and interests. These range from
their tutor, receive important daily House Singing, European Day of Languages,
messages and set positive intentions Photography, Maths Challenges, Chess,
for the day. At the end of the school Dance Competitions, to exciting Sports
day, our students participate in a events, including House Matches and Sports
30-minute Enrichment Programme Day. there are numerous opportunities for
that reinforces our community spirit. students to earn points for their House and
This time includes a range of activities build lifelong memories.
such as assemblies and enrichment
options, where students choose from These events not only celebrate individual
three exciting opportunities each term, achievements but also strengthen our
allowing them to explore new interests, collective spirit, making every student
develop new skills, and bond with feel like an essential part of our school
their peers and tutors in a supportive community.