Page 11 - Year 10
P. 11

Art and Design: 2 of 3                                                                                             Art and Design: 3 of 3

 Annotation (AO3, 24 marks)  Final Piece (AO4 24 marks) this means a personal response to your research (a realization of your
 All pages should include annotation. This helps to   intentions) This final piece should come from your suggested and independent artist's research and

 show a sequencing of ideas. Annotation   at least three initial ideas. A final piece can be a drawing, painting, a mix of different media or 3D but

 can reflect your thoughts which also helps   always stick to your strengths!
 towards the  planning  of final ideas.

 Drawing (AO3, 24

 marks) Work across a

 double page.
 Drawing can be

 challenging, but

 drawing can include
 quick sketches, careful

 cutting around images,

 stencil work, painting

 and use of mix media
 (AO2, 24 marks)
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