Page 26 - Year 10
P. 26

English Literature: 4 of 4

                          Steps to Success
                                                                         Poetry exemplar response:
         1.   Start with an introduction outlining the link
              between the two poems.                                     How is the impact of war presented in ‘Poppies’ and one other

         2.   Begin each comparison with topic sentence                  poem of your choice?
              that explains the focus for your comparison in             Both ‘Poppies’ and ‘War Photographer’ deal with the impact of war
              relation to the question.                                  on people other than soldiers. Whilst ‘Poppies’ focuses on the

         3.   Add a point, technique and first quotation                 impact war has on a soldier’s mother, ‘War Photographer’ focuses
              for poem 1 and briefly explain its                         on the eponymous photographer.

         4.   Explore how & why the technique has been                   Both poets use figurative language to portray the impact of war
              used by the author.                                        has. Weir uses a metaphor to convey the narrator’s distress at her
         5.   Use SWA to explore the deeper                              son’s leaving for war as she runs her ‘fingers through the gelled
              connotations of the words used, and how                    blackthorns of [his] hair.’ The imagery suggests pain and suffering –

              they link to the purpose of the text.                      blackthorn pricks can cause infection and joint swelling, so this has
         6.   What themes/techniques have been                           connotations of the physical pain his leaving is causing her. At a
              developed and how? Could you add another                   symbolic level, the imagery reminds us of the biblical reference, in
              SWA to support your ideas at this point?                   the new testament, to the crown of thorns based on Jesus’ head
         7.   Consider how the reader                                    prior to his crucifixion. This reminds us of the belief held by

              thinks/feels/responds to the                               Christians that Jesus suffered for the good of mankind, drawing a
              purpose/message of poem 1.                                 parallel with the suffering soldiers, and their families, undertake on
         8.   Consider how your quotes link to the                       our behalf. We sympathise with the mother who is
              background and context of the poem.

         9.   Repeat the process for poem 2, making links                suffering due to the indirect impact of war.
              to poem 1, and the main focus of the                       Similarly, in ‘War Photographer’ Duffy uses figurative language
              question.                                                  to  portray the  impact of war …
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