Page 27 - Year 11
P. 27

English Literature: ‘Macbeth’: 3 of 5                          English Literature: ’A Christmas Carol’: 4 of 5

 Context   1.   You need to learn each quote.
 King James I – Macbeth was written in 1606, early in the reign  Witchcraft – in Shakespeare’s time there was no scientific   2.  Label each with the techniques it contains  How does Dickens present the importance of family in ‘A Christmas
                Circle and label the words you could use for single word analysis.
 of James I, who succeeded to the English throne in 1603 after   knowledge to explain natural disasters such as earthquakes,   4.  Consider why Dickens has used these words/ techniques and the effect   Carol?’
 being King of Scotland. The play pays homage to the king’s   floods and droughts. One of the ways they accounted for the   they have on the reader.  The importance of family is best presented through contrasts

 Scottish lineage and hatred of witches. Additionally, the   unexplained was the idea of witches. In Elizabethan England,   5.  Create revision cards so that you can test yourself.  Put the quotes on the   throughout the novella.  By juxtaposing the positive family men
 witches’ prophecy that Banquo will found a line of kings is a   many women were tortured and executed because they were   front, the techniques and effects on the back.  Bob Cratchit and Fred with Scrooge, the reader is left in doubt
 nod to James’ family’s claim to have descended from the   accused of witchcraft. King James I strongly believed in witches.   about the connection between family and happiness.
 historical Banquo.  The weird sisters would have seemed believable and frightening   “Hard and sharp as flint​

 to an audience in the 1600s.
 Which quotes show Shakespeare’s respect for rightful heirs?  “Solitary as an oyster”​
 Which quote best presents the witches as supernatural beings?  “I wear the chain I forged in life”​  At the start of the novella Scrooge, who rejects his family, is,
                                                                                             presented as being “as solitary as an oyster”. On the surface this
 The Divine Right of Kings – the idea that kings got their power  Gender & Patriarchy – patriarchal societies are those in which   simile suggests that Scrooge is lonely and unhappy. The adjective
 from God and not from their subject. James I was a believer in  men dominate.  Macbeth and Lady Macbeth switch between   “he could not hide the light”  “solitary” shows that Scrooge is used to being alone and also that

 this, and the idea meant that any treasonous activity was a   having masculine and feminine characteristics.  he keeps himself locked away from family as if he is solitary
 crime against God. Only a century earlier, England had   “Are there no prisons…are there no workhouses?”​  confinement in a prison. This links to what Marley’s ghost says at
 suffered under the massive disorder of the Wars of the Roses,   “twice-turned gown, but brave in ribbons”​  the start of the novella when he says: “I wear the chains I forged in
 so many supported the idea to avoid civil unrest.  Find evidence to show this gender swap.  life” because Scrooge is metaphorically forging a prison cell around
          Tiny Tim: “good as gold”​                                                          himself so he is left alone. Metaphorically, “oyster” represents
 Which quotes show Shakespeare’s respect for rightful heirs?                                 Scrooge as a character because although he is covered by a hard,
 Women were expected to obey all men, be faithful and   Adam, Eve and the serpent – in the bible, Adam and Eve live   “Scrooge was the ogre of the family”​  sharp, and un-aesthetically pleasing shell, deep within him there is
 respectful, not be violent. They would have been regarded as a  peacefully in the Garden of Eden until Eve is tempted by the   the potential of a pearl of happiness and love – but only if he
 possession, first owned by the father, then given to and owned  serpent and eats the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge.   “I am not the man I was. I will not be the man I must have been”​  reconnects with family.  Scrooge becomes a symbol for people who
 by the husband. Women were considered the delicate, ‘fairer’  She convinces Adam to eat as well, and God curses them and   “how green a place it is”​  keep themselves confined from others and are therefore unhappy.

 sex and they should be quiet and reserved, always respecting   banishes them to Earth. The serpent is frequently alluded to in   Dickens makes Scrooge so lonely, miserable and greedy at the start
 the wishes and opinions of the males in their lives. Lady   Macbeth.   “overrun by grass and weeds”​  to try and portray how much of a difference family makes to one’s
                                                                                             happiness. Dickens does this so that when Scrooge finds
 Macbeth subverts these expectations in the play to   Can you find any quotes to back this up?  happiness, in the way of family; it symbolises just how powerful
 manipulate Macbeth in getting what she wants.  “I am as light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry   and important family is.

 Which quote best shows LM acting an abnormal way?  as a schoolboy. I am as giddy as a drunken man.”​
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