Page 40 - Year 11
P. 40

History (Superpower relations: The Cold War 1943-1991): 2 of 3

       The Berlin Wall                 Czechoslovakia 1968
       •12 August 1961 East German     •Alexander Dubcek introduced reforms ‘Socialism with a human    Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan 1979
       Leader Ulbricht ordered a       face’. Not anti- communist, just wanted more freedom. This became   •  There was a communist revolution in Afghanistan in 1978
       barbed wire fence around West   known as the Prague Spring.                                          and civil war broke out.
       Berlin to stop the refugee      • Brezhnev worried about reforms spreading so invaded with
       problem.                        500,000 troops. Czechs didn’t fight back- learn their lesson from   •  USSR invaded in 1979 to help the communist government
       •Soon grew to 165km, cutting    Hungary!
       through streets and even        •Brezhnev Doctrine- actions of any individual country affected whole   •  USA very unhappy with this and ended détente. Supported
       buildings.                      Eastern Bloc, so he would use Warsaw Pact troops to stop any         Afghan rebels (Mujahedeen)
       •Two walls separated by no      reforms
       man’s land with booby traps,                                                                    •    Carter Doctrine- USA would use force to repel any threats
       barbed wire, watch towers and   Détente 1970s                                                        in Persian Gulf area, and introduced sanctions
       guards with machine guns        •    After the Cuban Missile Crisis the USA and USSR wanted to get
       •People tried to escape- 130         on better in the 1970s, this thaw (peaceful period) in the Cold   •  USA boycotted the Moscow Olympics in 1980. USSR then
       killed, most famous was Peter        War is called détente.                                          boycotted LA Olympics in 1984
       •Khrushchev had to abandon      •    Both needed to focus on economic and social problems at    •    Cost USSR $8 billion a year and 15,000 troops were killed.
       plans for a united communist         home, not war so SALT 1 in 1972 was signed - Strategic Arms
       Germany and showed how               Limitation Treaty. This limited the number of nuclear weapons
       unpopular communism was, but         both sides had.                                            Gorbachev’s New Thinking
       it did stop the refugee problem                                                                 •USSR couldn’t afford war in Afghanistan or new missiles to
       and showed communism was in     •    Helsinki Accords 1975- agreed to respect borders, work for   compete with USA, and living standards were low.
       control in the East                  closer relations and respect human rights.                 •Perestroika- reform economy to include some capitalist ideas
       •The Berlin Wall became a                                                                       •Glasnost- introduce more openness and less corruption in
       symbol of freedom and defiance   •   SALT 2 1979- Tried to introduce restrictions on missiles, but USA   government, allowed opposition to government.
       against communism, and               didn’t trust the USSR after invasion of Afghanistan so US   •Brezhnev Doctrine would also be dropped.
       showed Khrushchev had                withdrew from talks.                                       •Reagan saw this as an opportunity to end the Cold War
       accepted Western control in                                                                     •Reykjavik Summit 1986- Gorbachev suggested phasing out
       Berlin •Kennedy’s ‘Ich Bin Ein   Reagan’s Second Cold War                                       nuclear weapons if USA gave up SDI. No agreement but
       Berliner’ speech 1963 very      •Reagan became President of USA in 1980, called the USSR an ‘evil   improved relations.
       popular                         empire’ and ended détente. •Planned the Strategic Defence Initiative   •Washington Summit 1987- Agreed a treaty reducing abolishing

                                       (SDI) 1983 nicknamed ‘Star Wars’- using satellites to destroy soviet   intermediate range missiles
                                       missiles in space.                                              •Malta Summit 1989- No new agreements but seen as the end of
                                       •USSR too poor to compete but didn’t know USA hadn’t actually made   the Cold War as both sides announced peaceful intentions.
                                       SDI yet.                                                        End of the Cold war came out shortly after when the Berlin Wall
                                       •Reagan increased funding for the Cold War and supported anti-   was breeched in Nov 1989 and then the other countries in the
                                       communist groups in South America.                              Warsaw Pact began to break away from the USSR.
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