Page 9 - Year 11
P. 9

Your Knowledge Organiser and Self-Quizzing Book                                                                     Art and Design: 1 of 3

           This term you will work on your Final Exam. You will have received your paper and selected the
 You must bring your Knowledge
 Organiser and Self-Quizzing Book   question you want to focus on. Here are some tips to help you maximize your marks.
 to every lesson and place it on                                                                               Research (AO1 24 marks)
 your desk at the beginning of
 Knowledge  Organisers  each lesson.                                                                           Artist's research means copying and

 Knowledge Organisers contain critical,                                                                        understanding how an artist works.
 fundamental knowledge that you MUST know   You must keep all of your                                          You should use the same or similar
 in order to be successful in Year 7 and   Knowledge Organisers and
 subsequent years.  Self Quizzing Books because                                                                media to copy examples. This
 They will help you recap, revisit and revise   the fundamental knowledge   Presentation                       should always include the
 what you have learnt in lessons in order to  required in Year 7 will also be
 move the knowledge within from your short-term   required in Year 8.                                          suggested artists in the exam paper
 memory to long-term memory.                          It is important that when you                            as these will show a range of artists,
 PAGE 2  NOT a replacement for revision               begin independent Artist's                               sculptors, designer's,
 Knowledge Organisers are

 guides but they include the                          research you choose images that                          photographers, ceramists, different
 fundamental knowledge that                                                                                    cultures or movements (for
 ALL students in Year 7 require.                      inspire you. You must bring images
 Self-Quizzing Book                                   to your lesson or email them to                          example- Cubism, Impressionism,

 This is the book that all Knowledge Organiser        your teacher for printing.                               Bauhaus, Art Deco, Renaissance, or
 homework is to be completed in.                                                                               Modernism)

 You MUST follow the simple rules as to how
 they are to be used.
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