Page 18 - Year 8
P. 18

Design & Technology: 5 of 6

       The 6 R's of Sustainability                                             Material Knowledge: Woods
                                                                               Woods are typically grouped into two different categories:

                                                                           Softwoods                                  Hardwoods

                                                                           Often coniferous trees with needles.       Often deciduous trees with broad leaves.
                                                                           Usually trees are evergreen.               Usually trees lose their leaves in winter.
                                                                           Trees grow faster                          Trees grow slowly and can take
                                                                           and harvested after approx. 30 years.      hundreds of years to
                                                                           Examples:                                  become fully grown.
                                                                           Pine                                       Wood is a lot denser and more durable.
                                                                           Spruce                                     Examples:
                                                                           Fir                                        Oak
                                                                           Larch                                      Ash

                                                                                       Top Tips for Cutting Wood Joints
                                                                                       •    Measure in mm
                                                                                       •    Label pieces of timber you are joining 1
                                                                                            and 2
                                                                                       •    Use a sharp pencil for marking out, this
                                                                                            increases accuracy
       The 6 R's of Sustainability can be applied to products when they are being      •    Shade the WASTE material you will be
       designed and manufactured as well as when they are bought and used by                removing
       consumers.                                                                      •    Cut on the WASTE side of the line
       Our bug house considers the use of materials to reduce waste, as well as        •    Make the joint a tiny bit too big, then file
       reusing some off cuts and discarded materials. By making it, you will also           down so you get a tight fit
       have the skills to repair it, should you need to!
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