Page 24 - Year 8
P. 24

English: ‘Face’ the play: 3 of 3

                                     Key Vocabulary: ‘Face’ the play'                                             Model analytical paragraph

      Non-negotiables                                                                            Zephaniah uses complementary verbs to demonstrate how Narrative
      1        Play               A piece of writing performed in a theatre, on the radio or on television.  Martin’s perspective of events differs from Past Martin’s. This is
                                                                                                 demonstrated when Narrative Martin states ‘… something was found.
      2        Character          The people a film, book or play is about.
                                                                                                 I changed – inside and out. I grew”. The verbs ‘found’, ‘changed’ and

      3        Stage Directions   The notes in the text of a play which say what the actors should do.  ‘grew’ all have connotations of development and transformation,
                                                                                                 suggesting that as Narrative Martin reflects on his experiences he
      4        Perspective        A particular way of thinking about something.
                                                                                                 realises things that Past Martin didn’t. The verb ‘grew’ implies that
      5        Atmosphere         The general thoughts or feelings we get from a place.          actual Past Martin matured during all the events surrounding

                                                                                                 him. This allows the reader to sympathise with Martin, despite him
      6        Tone               The style and opinions or ideas expressed in a piece of writing.
                                                                                                 being portrayed as arrogant through Past Martin. It also makes us
      Grow your vocabulary
                                                                                                 intrigued as to what will happen next as Past and Narrative Martin
      7        Resilience         The ability to recover when things go wrong.                   have such different perspectives. Zephaniah may have done this to

                                                                                                 highlight how adolescence is a phase of development and we have to
      8        Camaraderie        A feeling of trust and friendship among a group of people.
                                                                                                 be prepared to adapt and change.
      9        Self-assured       Confident in their own abilities.
                                                                                                            Questions to ask ourselves about Literature
      10       Arrogant           Full of undeserved pride and self-importance.                  • What does the text make you feel?

                                                                                                 • What idea is being presented about a certain character?
      11       Conceited          Having a high opinion of yourself and your achievements.
                                                                                                 • What theme or idea does the text explore?
      12       Forthright         Direct and outspoken.                                          • How the writer convey certain emotions?

      13       Candid             Very honest in what you say or write.                          • How does the writer use certain methods?
                                                                                                 • How are the ideas being expressed?
      14       Commendable        Something worthy of approval and praise.
                                                                                                 • Why does the writer want to make you feel that way?

                                                                                                 • Why does the writer use language that way?
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