Page 39 - Year 10
P. 39

Health & Social Care: Component 1B Task 1:  5 of 8                      Health & Social Care : Component 1B Task 1:  6 of 8

 Task  Description  Requirements  Tips for Success                           3. Life Circumstances
 Task 3a  Produce a report on the impact of   - Consider how life events in the case studies impact   - Look carefully at case studies and focus on given life events.   Aspect  Key Points  Positive Effects  Negative Effects
 life events on PIES growth and   PIES growth and development.   - Avoid general comments.   Moving House  - Feeling of excitement.   - Excitement.   - Stress and anxiety from moving.
 development.  - Include specific impacts on PIES development.  - Consider changes in PIES development due to life events.  - Form new friendships.   - New friendships.   - Loss of close friendships. - Feeling isolated in a new
                               - Explore and learn about a new area.  - Opportunity to explore and learn.      area.
             Moving School     - Meet new people.                   - Meeting new people.                      - Loss of old friends.
 1. Health & Wellbeing         - Form new friendships.              - New friendships.                         - Stress and anxiety from making new friends.
 Aspect  Key Points  Possible Effects  - Improve learning.          - Improved learning.                       - New routine and environment may distract from
 Accidents and   - Accidents are unexpected events   - Physical: Reduced mobility affecting motor skills and independence.   learning.
 Injuries  causing injury.   - Intellectual: Missed education or work, potential brain damage.   Moving Job  - New opportunities for training.   - New training opportunities.  - Loss of old colleagues.
 - Injuries can be minor or serious.  - Emotional: Lowered self-image, self-esteem.   - Form new relationships.   - New relationships.   - Stress and anxiety from meeting new people.
 - Social: Difficulty socialising, potential isolation.
 Physical Illness  - Can affect growth and development   Similar effects on growth and development as accidents and injuries.  - Increased security.  - Promotion or salary increase leading to   - Adjusting to new routine can be stressful.
 (refer to page 16).                                                security, contentment, self-esteem.
 Mental Health   - Affects thoughts, feelings, actions.   - Physical: Motivation to exercise, better physical health, stronger immune system.   Exclusion from   - Can be excluded for bad behaviour.   - Can encourage behaviour change. –  - Fall behind in learning.
 and Emotional   - Determines coping mechanisms and   - Intellectual: Confidence, better cognitive abilities, improved academic or work performance.   School  - Negative effects on growth and    Take education more seriously.   - Less physically active.
 Wellbeing  interactions.  - Emotional: Reduced stress and anxiety, improved self-image and self-esteem.   development.   - Remove from stress or bad influences.  - Less contact with friends, social isolation.
 - Social: Feeling safe in relationships, confidence in socialising.  - Potential benefits.                    - Negative self-image and self-esteem.
             Imprisonment      - A form of punishment for criminals.  - Opportunity for education and training.   - Loss of independence.
 2. Relationships
 Aspect  Key Points  Possible Effects                               - Balanced diet and regular exercise       - Less contact with friends and family.
 Forming New   - Based on mutual trust and support.   - Emotional and Social Development: Support when feeling upset, feeling loved and valued,   improving health.  - Restricted future opportunities.
 Relationships  - Different relationships at each life stage (infants with carers,   sharing hobbies and interests, increased confidence to socialise.  - Reduced self-image and self-esteem.
 children with friends, adults with close friendships).  Redundancy  - Involves losing a job, not related to   - More time with family and friends.   - Reduced self-image and self-esteem.
 Long-term   - Couples may live together, get married, or form a civil   - Positive Effects: Increased confidence and contentment, reduced stress, positive self-image,   job performance.  - Opportunity to start a new job or learn   - Fewer social opportunities.
 Intimate   partnership.   expanded social circle, reduced loneliness.  new skills.                            - Financial stress.
 Relationships  - Provides physical and emotional intimacy, security, love, and a                              - Less opportunity to learn and develop skills.
 wider social circle.  Retirement  - Usually occurs in middle or later   - No more work-related stress.        - Lack of purpose affecting self-esteem.
 Relationship   - Couples may separate or divorce.   - Negative Effects: Increased stress, sadness, anxiety, changes in eating and sleeping habits,   adulthood.  - More time for hobbies and interests.   - Less motivation to learn and develop skills.
 Breakdown  - Negative effects on growth and development.  decreased confidence, reduced social circle, changes in relationships with children.
 Becoming   - Many adults choose to become parents.  - Positive Effects: Strong bonds, happiness, sense of purpose, opportunities to learn, widened   - Meeting new people and becoming more   - Social isolation.
 Parents  social circle.                                            physically active.                         - Loss of work-related friendships.
 - Negative Effects: Stress, anxiety, financial pressures, less time to socialise, isolation, postnatal
 depression, lack of sleep affecting performance and relationships.
 Experiencing   - Loss of someone close is called bereavement, common in later   - Negative Effects: Overwhelming sadness, depression, anxiety, weight changes, decreased self-
 Bereavement  adulthood.  esteem, lack of motivation to socialise and keep active, trouble sleeping, decreased fitness.
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