Page 40 - Year 10
P. 40

Health & Social Care: Component 1B Task 2:  7 of 8

                                                                             About Task 2
                                Task Requirement                                                                 Details
         Different sources of support accessed by individuals              Identify and list various support systems used by individuals in case studies.
         Character traits influencing reactions to life events             Describe the traits that affected how individuals responded to life events.
         Comparison of adaptation methods to life events and support       Analyse and compare different adaptation methods and the role of support
         sources                                                           systems.
         Alternative support forms not mentioned in the case studies       Suggest other potential support mechanisms that were not covered in the case

            1. Character Trait                            Details                                                       Examples
         Resilience              Ability to accept and adapt to difficult life events; bounce  More resilient people cope better with life events.
                                 back after difficulties.                                   Example: adapting to changes after an injury.
         Self-esteem             Valuing one's own worth and abilities; confidence in       High self-esteem helps cope with difficult events.
                                 skills.                                                    Example: adapting to changes post-divorce.
         Emotional               Understanding, controlling, and expressing feelings.       Greater emotional intelligence aids in coping with life events.
         intelligence                                                                       Example: receiving support during bereavement.
         Disposition             Overall personality and view of the world, whether         A positive disposition helps cope with difficult events.
                                 positive or negative.                                      Example: focusing on new opportunities during a job change.

          Type of Support                    Details                         Advantages                  Disadvantages                    Examples
          Emotional           Given by being caring and               Provides comfort, boosts      May not be sufficient for     Support from friends,
          Support             reassuring, listening to worries,       self-esteem, reduces          serious issues.               family, or professionals.
                              offering encouragement.                 stress.
          Informational       Useful information and advice from      Helps understand              Quality and relevance of      NHS Couch to 5K app,
          Support             friends, family, health                 situations, make informed  information can vary.            Headspace for relaxation.
                              professionals, and endorsed apps.       decisions.
          Practical Help      Assistance with tasks individuals       Addresses specific needs,  May require significant          Financial assistance,
                              struggle with on their own.             reduces stress and            resources and                 childcare, domestic
                                                                      anxiety.                      coordination.                 chores.
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