Page 11 - Year 8
P. 11

Stencil Art, Mixed Media and Cultural Art  Art and Design: 2 of 3  Stencil Art, Mixed Media and Cultural           Art and Design: 3 of 3

 Stencil art has been made famous   Health and Safety Rules when                                      Indigenous Australian Art
 by Bansky. It is a creative way to   using a craft knife

 produce images which can be

 intricate or simple in design. Using a   • Always use a cutting mat
 craft knife helps improve your   • Hold the craft knife as if you

 dexterity and counts as a drawing   are cutting fruit.

 skill!  • Keep your fingers away from
 the knife but secure the
 stencil card with your other

 hand.                                                                                         Indigenous Australian art is associated with

 • Concentrate and focus at all                                                                Aboriginal Australians. Traditionally they
 times.                                                                                        used sticks to produced dotted scenes of

 • Never walk around with a                                                                    their surroundings.

 craft knife.

 • Only use the craft knife for
 artwork purposes.

 • Have plenty of space when

 you work and stand up if you   Teesha Moore (1973- current) is an American artist

 prefer.   known for her creative scrap book and journalling
 • Test work.  art. She uses written work, collage, lettering,

 • Use a sponge with paints or   photography and newspapers to layer her work. It

 spray paints where possible.  is often described as eclectic, whimsical and
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