Page 9 - Year 8
P. 9
Your Knowledge Organiser and Self-Quizzing Book Stencil Art, Mixed Media and Cultural Art Art and Design: 1 of 3
You must bring your Knowledge Who is Banksy? Banksy the artist has turned street art from an outsider art into
the cultural mainstream – a concept that is nowadays called the
Organiser and Self-Quizzing Book ‘Banksy effect’. It is due to Banksy that today there is an
to every lesson and place it on increased interest in street art and that graffiti is taken seriously
your desk at the beginning of as an art form. Banksy carries out all their work secretly and has
Knowledge Organisers each lesson. managed to maintain anonymity over the years, although
Knowledge Organisers contain critical, speculation as to who they are keep the mystery alive. We can
fundamental knowledge that you MUST know You must keep all of your only speculate about their techniques, just as one can
in order to be successful in Year 7 and Knowledge Organisers and speculate about their personality. Banksy is believed to have
subsequent years. Self Quizzing Books because started as a regular graffiti sprayer. In their book Wall and
They will help you recap, revisit and revise the fundamental knowledge Piece the artist explains that in the past they always had the
what you have learnt in lessons in order to required in Year 7 will also be problem of either being caught by the police or not being able to
move the knowledge within from your short-term required in Year 8. complete their work. So, they had to think of a new technique.
They devised intricate stencils to work faster and to avoid
memory to long-term memory. overlapping of the colour. One of Banksy’s most famous works
PAGE 2 NOT a replacement for revision is the Girl with Balloon 2002. It depicts a young girl letting go of a
Knowledge Organisers are
guides but they include the red heart-shaped balloon. The image was voted Britain’s most
popular image in 2017. A version of this later made history at an
fundamental knowledge that auction in 2018. The buyers and audience were shocked when
ALL students in Year 7 require. the piece started to self-destruct once it had been sold. It began
Self-Quizzing Book to disappear in a shredder that was hidden in the frame. It was
This is the book that all Knowledge Organiser the moment when ‘Girl with Balloon’ turned into 'Love is in the
homework is to be completed in. Bin' Even though the painting was almost destroyed, a hammer
price of £1.1million was reached. Before its destruction, the
You MUST follow the simple rules as to how painting was estimated at around £100,000.00. It was later
they are to be used. resold in 2021 for £18.5million. The irony is that Bansky was
hoping that by shredding this work it would devalue it-
unfortunately for them, quite the opposite happened!