Page 17 - Year 9
P. 17

Drama: 4 of 5  GCSE Terminology                                                                                                      Drama: 5 of 5

 Assessment Criteria  AQA GCSE Drama Component 3: Texts In Practice   Characteristics of performance  Social, cultural and historical contexts  How meaning is interpreted and
             text(s) and dramatic work(s)
 the overall contribution to performance made by  the social, cultural and historical context        Performance conventons
 their performance or design  Genre               in which the performance texts studied
           Structure                              are set
                                                                                                     use of performance space and spatial relationships on
           Form                                   the theatrical conventions of the period in
 the range of theatrical skills demonstrated in  Style  which the performance texts studied          stage

 their performance or design  Outline of Component 3  Language  were created.                        actor and audience configuration

 • Study and present a two extracts  Sub-text                                                        relationships between performers and audience

 the effectiveness with which they deploy their  (monologue, duologue or group   Character motivation and
 performance or design skills  performance)  interation                                              design fundamentals such as scale, shape, colour,

 • 20% of the GCSE – marked by AQA  The creation of mood and                                         texture

 the appropriateness of their interpretation to  • Each key extract performance is marked out  atmosphere  the design of props and the design of sets such as

 the play as a whole, as evidenced through their   of 20  The development of pace and                revolves, trucks, projection, multimedia, pyrotechnics,
                                                                                                     smoke machines, flying
 performance or design  rhythm                                                                       the design of costume including hair and makeup
           Dramatic climax
 Type  Performance duration
 the sensitivity to the context of the play  Monologue (one  Must be between two  Stage directions   the design of lighting such as direction, colour,
                                                                                                     intensity, special effects
 they display through their performance or  performer)  and five minutes  The pratical demends of the   the design of sound such as direction, amplification,
 design  Duologue (two  Must be between three  text                                                  music, sound effects both live and recorded

 their success in achieving their artistic intent,  performers)  and ten minutes                     performers' vocal interpretation of character such as

 as evidenced by their performance or design  Group performance  Must be between four                accent, volume, pitch, timing, pace, intonation,

 when considered against their Statement of  (three or more   and twenty minutes                     phrasing, emotional range, delivery of lines
                                                                                                     performers' physical interpretation of character such as
 Dramatic Intentions  performers)                                                                    build, age, height, facial features, movement, posture,
                                                                                                     gesture, facial expression.
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