Page 16 - Year 9
P. 16

Drama: 4 of 5

                              Assessment Criteria                                      AQA GCSE Drama Component 3: Texts In Practice

        the overall contribution to performance made by

        their performance or design

        the range of theatrical skills demonstrated in

        their performance or design                                                                       Outline of Component 3

                                                                                         • Study and present a two extracts

        the effectiveness with which they deploy their                                       (monologue, duologue or group
        performance or design skills                                                         performance)

                                                                                         • 20% of the GCSE – marked by AQA

        the appropriateness of their interpretation to                                   • Each key extract performance is marked out

        the play as a whole, as evidenced through their                                      of 20

        performance or design

                                                                                         Type                             Performance duration
        the sensitivity to the context of the play                                       Monologue (one                   Must be between two
        they display through their performance or                                        performer)                       and five minutes

        design                                                                           Duologue (two                    Must be between three

        their success in achieving their artistic intent,                                performers)                      and ten minutes

        as evidenced by their performance or design                                      Group performance                Must be between four

        when considered against their Statement of                                       (three or more                   and twenty minutes

        Dramatic Intentions                                                              performers)
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21