Page 9 - Year 9
P. 9
Your Knowledge Organiser and Self-Quizzing Book Colour Theory and Techniques Art and Design: 1 of 3
This term we are going to focus on Colour Theory and the skill
You must bring your Knowledge
Organiser and Self-Quizzing Book of painting. Understanding colour, how to use, mix and apply it
to every lesson and place it on is a key skill in raising the standard of your work. We will look a
your desk at the beginning of
Knowledge Organisers each lesson. range of artists and learn how and why they use colour and
Knowledge Organisers contain critical, techniques for effect and impact.
fundamental knowledge that you MUST know You must keep all of your
in order to be successful in Year 7 and Knowledge Organisers and Whistlejacket painted by
subsequent years. Self Quizzing Books because George Stubbs in 1762.
They will help you recap, revisit and revise the fundamental knowledge This work is one of the
what you have learnt in lessons in order to required in Year 7 will also be
move the knowledge within from your short-term required in Year 8. most famous paintings
memory to long-term memory. owned by the National
PAGE 2 NOT a replacement for revision Gallery, London Wangechi Muhu (1972- present) is
Knowledge Organisers are
guides but they include the
fundamental knowledge that a Kenyan artist. She is known for
ALL students in Year 7 require. her use of mix media paintings and
Self-Quizzing Book bricolage work.
This is the book that all Knowledge Organiser
homework is to be completed in.
You MUST follow the simple rules as to how John James Audubon (1785-
they are to be used. 1851) was a French
Illustrator. His main work was
'Birds of America' where he
illustrated with water colour,
birds including 25 new