Page 11 - Year 9
P. 11
Art and Design: 2 of 3
Colour Theory and Techniques Assessment Art and Design: 3 of 3
Jim Martinez is an During this term you will be given a choice of four topics to
American Artist who choose from. You will select ONE and this will be the basis
creates hyper realistic of your summer assessment. This will give you an idea of
works combining CAD how to research, develop ideas and plan a final outcome,
and acrylic paint. He says in preparation for GCSE Art and Design. The choices are;
his mission is to 'create, to The Bauhaus Movement, Cultures from around the world,
share, to inspire...... to Naïve art and The National Gallery, London.
create, to share, to
inspire...' Think piece
Do contemporary artists such
as Mark Rothko and Jackson
Pollock have a place in