Page 68 - Year 9
P. 68

Personal Development: 1 of  2

           YR 9 – Spring 1             Respectful Relationships

           Term                        Definiton

       1 Relationship                  The way in which two or more people or things are connected

       2 Consent                       Permission for something to happen or agreement to do something

       3 Coercion                      The action or practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats

       4 Unhealthy                     When someone is in a relationship and they may feel anxious, confused or unsafe

       5 Support services              A range of support to help you develop and cope with different feelings or situations

       6 Unprotected sex               The act of having sexual intercourse without the use of contraception

       7 Domestic abuse                When one person hurts or bullies another person who is or was their partner or who is in the

                                       same family

       8 Sexual harassment Is unwanted sexual behaviour that makes someone feel upset, scared or offended.

       9 Sexual abuse                  Undesired sexual behaviour by one person upon another

      10 Stalking                      Is harassing or persecuting someone with obsessive attention
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