Page 73 - Year 9
P. 73

Dance  PE: 3 of 9  Dance                                                                                                                      PE: 4 of 9

 Key Terminology  Heart: Collaboration and Emotional Expression
 Term  Definition  Assessment Question             Working Towards                       Expected                              Greater Depth
 Dynamics  The qualities of movement, such as sharp-smooth, fast-slow, or heavy-light, used to create variety.  Can you create and lead a duet phrase   Creates a duet with limited interaction and   Creates and leads a cohesive duet phrase,   Designs and leads a complex duet that
                                                                                         demonstrating trust and effective
                                                                                                                               highlights trust, innovative interactions, and
 Cause-and-Effect  A movement or action that triggers another, creating a sequence of reactions.  that emphasises trust and collaboration?  connection.  collaboration.  mutual support.
 Interlocking  Movements that connect physically or visually between dancers to create relationships.  Works effectively within a group,   Takes a leadership role, driving group
             Can you collaborate effectively to produce   Contributes to the group but requires   contributing ideas and supporting the   creativity and ensuring all members
 Pathways  The patterns or routes taken through the performance space (e.g., circular, linear, zigzag).  a group performance?  guidance to stay focused.
                                                                                         choreography's development.           contribute to a polished performance.
 Spatial Awareness  Understanding the space around you, including positioning and proximity to others.  Leads a warm-up confidently, incorporating   Leads an engaging and dynamic warm-up,
             Can you lead a large group warm-up based   Leads with some input but lacks confidence
 Projection  The ability to perform movements confidently, engaging the audience through energy and focus.  on the "Cog" theme?  and clarity in instructions.  movements inspired by the "Cog" theme and   effectively preparing the group and aligning
                                                                                                                               with the choreographic theme.
 Motif  A short sequence of movements that is repeated and developed to represent a theme or idea.  Performs cause-and-effect movements with   Delivers precise and dynamic cause-and-
 Choreography  The process of creating and arranging movements into a dance sequence.  Can you perform movements that   Demonstrates basic cause-and-effect   accuracy and clear interaction with a   effect movements, showcasing excellent
             represent cause-and-effect in a duet?  actions with limited control.        partner.                              timing and collaboration with a partner.
 Transitions  The movements that connect phrases or sections of a dance, ensuring a smooth flow.
                                                                                         Actively supports the group by contributing   Leads the refinement process, offering
 Narrative  The story or theme expressed through dance movements.  Can you support your group in refining   Provides minimal input when refining   ideas to improve transitions and overall   constructive suggestions and ensuring a
             transitions and performance quality?  choreography.
                                                                                         quality.                              high-quality final performance.
 Head: Creative Problem-Solving and Reflection
 Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected  Greater Depth  Hands: Execution and Physical Skill
 Can you explain the role of dynamics in   Identifies basic dynamics but struggles to   Explains how dynamics enhance movements   Provides detailed examples of how dynamics   Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected  Greater Depth
 choreography?  explain their importance.  and create interest.  enhance storytelling and thematic elements.  Executes movements with clear dynamic   Masterfully performs phrases with refined
             Can you perform a phrase demonstrating   Performs movements with limited variation in   contrasts, such as fast-slow or sharp-smooth   dynamic contrasts, enhancing the choreography's
 Designs intricate sequences with clear   contrasting dynamics?  speed, force, or intensity.
 Can you explain how cause-and-effect is   Recognises basic cause-and-effect   Explains and creates logical cause-and-  cause-and-effect, enhancing the overall   transitions.  expressive quality.
 used in choreography?  sequences but struggles to connect actions.  effect sequences within choreography.
 narrative.  Can you perform interlocking movements   Demonstrates basic interlocking movements but   Performs interlocking movements with precision   Executes interlocking movements with mastery,
             accurately?                           struggles with timing.                and clear connection to other dancers.  contributing to the visual and thematic impact of
 Can you explain the role of pathways in   Identifies simple pathways but struggles to   Explains how pathways contribute to the   Creates and evaluates pathways that reflect   the dance.
 choreography?  relate them to the theme.  dance’s visual and thematic impact.  complex ideas or narratives effectively.
             Can you teach an 8–16 beat routine inspired by   Teaches movements but requires support to   Teaches a routine effectively, ensuring clear   Leads the teaching of a routine with clarity,
 Evaluates and designs interlocking   mechanical motifs to another group?  convey clarity and rhythm.  communication and group understanding of   precision, and confidence, adapting for the group's
 Can you explain the importance of   Recognises interlocking movements but   Explains how interlocking movements   rhythm and structure.  needs and skill levels.
 interlocking in group choreography?  struggles to identify their purpose.  represent connections between dancers.  movements to enhance cohesion and
 storytelling.                                                                                                                Executes sequences with precision and control,
             Can you perform a group sequence with clear   Performs basic movements but struggles to   Performs sequences with clear and accurate   utilising spatial pathways to enhance the
 Delivers insightful feedback, identifying   spatial pathways?  maintain defined pathways.  spatial pathways (e.g., circular, linear).
 Can you give feedback on space,   Provides general feedback with limited focus   Provides clear and constructive feedback on   detailed improvements for enhancing   choreography's visual impact.
 relationships, and actions?  on specific elements.  the use of space, relationships, and actions.
 choreography.  Can you perform a dance sequence with   Performs movements with some hesitation or lack   Performs sequences confidently, with clear   Delivers sequences with outstanding confidence,
             confidence and projection?            of stage presence.                    projection and intent.               engaging the audience through precise movement
 Can you reflect on your own performance   Identifies basic strengths but struggles to   Reflects effectively, identifying strengths and   Critically evaluates their performance,   and strong projection.
 to identify strengths and areas for   suggest areas for improvement.  providing specific areas for development.  setting clear goals for improvement and
 improvement?  demonstrating self-awareness.  Can you adapt and link movements from   Adapts basic movements but struggles to create a   Links movements from different styles effectively,   Seamlessly integrates movements from multiple
                                                                                                                              styles, demonstrating originality and artistic flair.
             different dance styles?
                                                   cohesive flow.
                                                                                         creating a cohesive and expressive routine.
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