Page 72 - Year 9
P. 72

Dance                                                                                                                             PE: 3 of 9

                            Key Terminology
                            Term                Definition
                            Dynamics            The qualities of movement, such as sharp-smooth, fast-slow, or heavy-light, used to create variety.

                            Cause-and-Effect    A movement or action that triggers another, creating a sequence of reactions.
                            Interlocking        Movements that connect physically or visually between dancers to create relationships.
                            Pathways            The patterns or routes taken through the performance space (e.g., circular, linear, zigzag).
                            Spatial Awareness   Understanding the space around you, including positioning and proximity to others.
                            Projection          The ability to perform movements confidently, engaging the audience through energy and focus.

                            Motif               A short sequence of movements that is repeated and developed to represent a theme or idea.
                            Choreography        The process of creating and arranging movements into a dance sequence.
                            Transitions         The movements that connect phrases or sections of a dance, ensuring a smooth flow.

                            Narrative           The story or theme expressed through dance movements.

        Head: Creative Problem-Solving and Reflection
        Assessment Question                   Working Towards                       Expected                              Greater Depth
        Can you explain the role of dynamics in   Identifies basic dynamics but struggles to   Explains how dynamics enhance movements   Provides detailed examples of how dynamics
        choreography?                         explain their importance.             and create interest.                  enhance storytelling and thematic elements.
                                                                                                                          Designs intricate sequences with clear
        Can you explain how cause-and-effect is   Recognises basic cause-and-effect   Explains and creates logical cause-and-  cause-and-effect, enhancing the overall
        used in choreography?                 sequences but struggles to connect actions.  effect sequences within choreography.
         Can you explain the role of pathways in   Identifies simple pathways but struggles to   Explains how pathways contribute to the   Creates and evaluates pathways that reflect
         choreography?                        relate them to the theme.             dance’s visual and thematic impact.   complex ideas or narratives effectively.

                                                                                                                          Evaluates and designs interlocking
         Can you explain the importance of    Recognises interlocking movements but   Explains how interlocking movements
         interlocking in group choreography?  struggles to identify their purpose.  represent connections between dancers.  movements to enhance cohesion and
                                                                                                                          Delivers insightful feedback, identifying
         Can you give feedback on space,      Provides general feedback with limited focus   Provides clear and constructive feedback on   detailed improvements for enhancing
         relationships, and actions?          on specific elements.                 the use of space, relationships, and actions.
         Can you reflect on your own performance   Identifies basic strengths but struggles to   Reflects effectively, identifying strengths and   Critically evaluates their performance,
         to identify strengths and areas for   suggest areas for improvement.       providing specific areas for development.  setting clear goals for improvement and
         improvement?                                                                                                     demonstrating self-awareness.
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