Page 45 - Year 11 Knowledge Organiser
P. 45

Geography: 4 of 4                                        Health & Social Care: Component 2A Task 1: 1 of 11

                              Task 1                                      Report Requirements                                      Tips for the Task
              How healthcare services work together to   1. How one healthcare service could meet the specific health   Look carefully at the age and health condition of the
              meet the needs of a specified individual  needs of the specified individual.                        individual in your case study and make sure that you
                                                                                                                  focus on them.
              How healthcare services work together to   2. How a second healthcare service could meet the specific health   Avoid making general points which are not focused on
              meet the needs of a specified individual  needs of the specified individual.                        the individual in your case study.
              How healthcare services work together to   3. How these care services could work together to meet the   Think hard about how the healthcare services you are
              meet the needs of a specified individual  specific health care needs of the specified individual.   including can meet the needs of your individual. What
                                                                                                                  will they do? What will they provide?
              How healthcare services work together to                                                            Remember to think carefully about teamwork and how
              meet the needs of a specified individual                                                            the different healthcare services will work together to
                                                                                                                  meet the needs of the individual.
                                                                         1. Difference types of Health Care
                   Category                 Service Type                                                     Description
             Primary Care         GP Surgeries                   Diagnose and treat common medical conditions. They will also refer patients to hospitals and other services
                                                                 for any specialist care they need.
             Primary Care         Dental Care                    Treat and help prevent problems with the teeth, gums, and mouth.
             Primary Care         Out-of-hours services          Provide care for patients with urgent medical problems at times when GP surgeries are closed.
             Primary Care         Telephone services             Can give advice and help people get any medical attention they need. 999 can be called for life-threatening
                                                                 emergencies and 111 for urgent medical problems that are not life-threatening.
             Primary Care         Accident and emergency         Provide urgent medical care for patients with life-threatening injuries or conditions.
             Secondary Care       Rheumatology                   Diagnose and treat problems with the bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues.
             Secondary Care       Respiratory medicine           Diagnose and treat problems with the respiratory system (e.g. the lungs).
             Secondary Care       Cardiology                     Diagnose and treat problems with the heart and blood vessels.
             Secondary Care       Endocrinology                  Diagnose and treat problems related to hormones.
             Tertiary Care        Oncology                       Specialise in diagnosing and treating cancer.
             Tertiary Care        Transplant services            Help donors and patients through the transplantation process.
             Allied Health        Physiotherapists               Help people regain their mobility and motor skills (e.g. after an injury).
             Allied Health        Speech and language therapists  Help people who have communication difficulties and people who have eating or swallowing problems.
             Allied Health        Occupational therapists        Help people find ways to overcome any difficulties they have carrying out everyday tasks (e.g. household
             Professionals                                       chores).
             Allied Health        Dieticians                     Use knowledge about food and nutrition to improve health and treat health problems related to what a
             Professionals                                       person eats and drinks.
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