Page 50 - Year 11 Knowledge Organiser
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Health & Social Care: Component 2A Task 3: 6 of 11

         3. Social and Cultural
               barriers                                                                     Details
       Social and Cultural      Barriers experienced by people from different social and cultural backgrounds that prevent them from accessing services.
       Barriers Definition
                                Lack of awareness: Not knowing symptoms are serious, not knowing available services.
       Types of Social and      Differing cultural beliefs: Different needs based on diet, prayer times, gender preferences.
       Cultural Barriers        Social stigma: Seen negatively due to circumstances.
                                Fear of loss of independence: Reluctance to seek help to avoid losing independence.
       Effects of Social and    Prevent people from accessing services, lead to misdiagnosis, make people feel scared or embarrassed, make people reluctant to seek help.
       Cultural Barriers
                                Lack of awareness: Run awareness campaigns, distribute posters and leaflets.
       Overcoming Social and    Differing cultural beliefs: Respect needs, offer food choices, collaborate with community groups, arrange tests around prayer times.
       Cultural Barriers        Social stigma: Educate about stigmatised conditions, use posters in waiting rooms.
                                Fear of loss of independence: Work with people to stay independent, help them make choices, encourage self-help.

          4. Language barriers                                                              Details
       Language Barriers        Barriers that make it hard for people to communicate, particularly affecting those who speak English as an additional language or have language or
       Definition               speech impairments.
                                Doctors using jargon, people having an accident or being in a country where they don't speak the language, patients speaking little English, speech
       Types of Language Barriers
                                impairments, care providers using slang, information leaflets in one language.
       Effects of Language
       Barriers                 Make it difficult to communicate needs, understand patient's needs, and understand information given.
       Overcoming Language      Use advocates, explain medical information in simpler terms, train staff on language difficulties, avoid slang, provide information in multiple
       Barriers                 languages, use interpreters, hold group meetings for other language speakers.

          5. Geographical barriers                                                           Details
       Geographical Barriers
       Definition                Barriers that make it difficult for people to get from their home to the services they need, usually related to distance from the service.
                                 No car parking, expensive car parking or public transport, infrequent public transport, long walk from car park or bus stop, long journey time, unsafe
       Types of Geographical Barriers
                                 routes, no direct transport link.
       Effects of Geographical   Particularly affect those who can't drive, don't have access to good public transport, or are less mobile and can't manage long journeys.
       Overcoming Geographical
       Barriers                  Offer free parking, use community transport schemes, offer home visits, set up telehealth schemes, do community visits, establish local clinics.
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