Page 88 - Year 11 Knowledge Organiser
P. 88
Personal Development: Coping with Stress & Anxiety: 1 of 1
Define: Stress Some stress is good as it can Anxiety Disorders Things to
A state of mental or motivate people however too Anxiety is a survival mechanism where the brain responds to a Remember
emotional strain or tension much can be detrimental, especially perceived threat or danger by releasing stress hormones such as Everyone
resulting from adverse or if over a long period of time. adrenaline and cortisol which cause the physical symptoms of experiences stress
demanding anxiety. Once the threatening situation has stopped, the body will and anxiety at
circumstances. usually return to normal. In some cases if someone has an points in their lives.
Define: Chronic Stress anxiety disorder these feelings of fear and danger can be ongoing There are treatments
and interrupt their daily routine long after the threat has gone.
The response to They can make them feel like things are worse than they actually available and coping
emotional pressure are. mechanisms.
suffered for a prolonged
period of time in which General Anxiety Disorder is a long-term condition that causes a Having a stress or
an individual perceives person to feel anxious about a wide range of situations and issues, anxiety disorder is
they have little or no rather than a specific event. People with GAD feel anxious most not a sign of
control. days and often struggle to remember the last time they felt weakness and is
Define: General
relaxed. As soon as 1 anxious thought is resolved, another may
Anxiety Disorder appear about a different issue. more common
than people
A condition Social Anxiety Disorder, also called social phobia, is think.
characterized by 6 an overwhelming fear of social situations. Social Anxiety is more
months or more of than shyness. It's an intense fear that does not go away and
chronic, exaggerated Symptoms of Chronic Stress affects everyday activities, self-confidence, relationships and work Where to get
Symptoms of General Anxiety Disorder
worry and tension that or school life. more help and
is unfounded or much Chronic stress affects the whole body. It can Mental symptoms of anxiety Physical symptoms of anxiety support
more severe than the have several physical or psychological can include: can include: Parents and
normal anxiety most symptoms, which can make functioning on • Racing thoughts, • Sweating, trusted family
a daily basis more challenging.
people experience.
Define: Social The type and severity of symptoms • Uncontrollable over • Heavy and fast breathing,
• Hot flushes or blushing,
Anxiety Disorder vary considerably from person to • Difficulties concentrating, • Dry mouth, School Staff and
Wellbeing Team
person. • Feelings of dread, panic or • Shaking,
Also called social Signs and symptoms of chronic stress GP or Practice Nurse.
phobia, is intense can include: ‘impending doom’, • Hair loss,
anxiety or fear of being • Irritability, which can be extreme • Feeling irritable, • Fast heartbeat, MIND -
judged, negatively • Fatigue • Heightened alertness, • Extreme tiredness or lack https://www.mind.
of energy
evaluated, or rejected • Headaches • Problems with sleep, • Dizziness and fainting, and org.u k Help line -
in • Difficulty concentrating, • Changes in appetite, • Stomach aches 0300 123 3393
a social or • Rapid, disorganized thoughts • Wanting to escape from and sickness. open 9am to 7pm,
Define: Depression
performance • Difficulty sleeping / insomnia the situation you are in, Monday to Friday
or Text: 86463
situation. • Digestive problems and changes in and
• Dissociation.
People experience low appetite Treatments for Chronic Stress and Anxiety
mood, loss of interest or • Feeling helpless • Therapy and Counselling such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Young Minds -
pleasure, feelings of guilt • A perceived loss of control . uk Text: 85258 or
or low self- worth, • Low self-esteem • Medications – including SSRI’s, Benzodiazepines, and Beta-blockers Parents Helpline: 0808
disturbed sleep or • Loss of sexual desire 802 5544
appetite, low energy, • Nervousness • Self Care including mindfulness, meditation and journaling & allternative
and poor concentration. • Frequent infections or illnesses therapies such as acupuncture.
• High blood pressure