Page 91 - Year 11 Knowledge Organiser
P. 91
PE: Component 2 Task 1: 2 of 8 PE: Component 2 Task 2: 3 of 8
Examples in Sport: Component 2 Task 2 Details Section Details
Components of Physical Fitness
Components of Physical Fitness Task Description Demonstrate - Skills: E.g. passing, scoring, travelling and
Aerobic Endurance the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to supply Skills and intercepting.
oxygen and nutrients to the muscles to sustain low to Aerobic Endurance To continue to work hard and last the whole duration of the game. Participati Produce a series of video clips that show skills for
medium intensity work to delay fatigue Strategies
Muscular Endurance To last the whole duration of the match. Players use the same ng in sport your selected sport being demonstrated in isolated - Strategies: E.g. using tactics and decision-making
Muscular Endurance the ability of the muscular system to continue to muscles in their legs and arms which they need for running and practices and in competitive situations. to achieve aims.
contract at a light to moderate intensity throwing/dribbling.
Muscular Strength maximum force that can be generated by a muscle or Muscular Strength To hold their position on the ball and to have powerful shots on Video clips - Practical demonstrations of at least three sports In Isolated - Isolated Practices: Work on only one skill at a time.
muscle group to improve forceful movements within an should skills being performed in isolated practices. Practices
activity goal. include - Sports skills and strategies being performed in a and - Competitive Situations: Have the correct number
Speed distance / time to reduce time taken to move the body Speed To have speed to move up and down the court quickly to support competitive situation. Competitive of players, a full-size playing area and an official.
for an body part in an event or game the team when attacking and defending Duration Your video recordings should last for about 15 Situations
Flexibility the range of motion possible at a join to allow Flexibility Need to be flexible when trying to stretch to get into position. and Sound minutes. They should have sound too.
improvements in technique the
Body Composition Players need to have a low percent body fat to allow them to be
Body Composition the relative ratio of fat mass to fat-free mass in the body agile around the court. They need to be strong to hold off the Top tips for - Keep your isolated practices simple — they need to
allowing variation in body composition dependent on the opposition and keep their position on the ball. this task focus on one skill at a time.
sport - Competitive situations should have the correct
Components of Skill Related Fitness Components of Skill Related Fitness number of players, use the correct playing area and
equipment, last for the correct length of time and
Power the product of speed and strength to allow for explosive Power To throw powerful shots on goal. The more powerful the shot the harder have an official.
movements in sport it would be to save.
- Strategies may depend on your position in a team
Agility the ability to change direction quickly to allow Agility To dodge around players quickly when trying to move into space sport, e.g., whether you’re a defender or an attacker.
performers to out-manoeuvre an opponent
Reaction time To react to shots on goal. Players need good reaction time to intercept
Reaction time the time taken between a stimulus and the start of a the ball to regain possession
response useful in fast-paced sports to make quick
decisions about what to do Balance When changing directions quickly. To quickly move forwards or
backwards to either help attack or defend.
Balance the ability to maintain centre of mass over a base of
support, useful to maintain positions in performance Coordination When dribbling with the ball to keep it under control when under
sports (static balance) or when ton the move in any pressure
other sporting situation (dynamic balance)
Coordination the ability to move two or more body arts at the same
time smoothly and efficiently, to allow effective
application of technique