Page 75 - Year 8 Knowledge Organiser
P. 75

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 Year 8 - Unit 1: Biblical Literacy

 Key facts to memorise:  Keywords:  Genesis
 Covenant  An agreement or promise between
 In the beginning God created the
 The  Bible  is  a  collection  of  66  separate   God and people.  heavens and the earth. Now the earth
 books written by 40 different authors over   Exile  Being forced to live outside the   was formless and empty, darkness was
 a period of several centuries.   country of your birth.  over the surface of the deep, and the
 These  books  are  organised  into  two   Ten plagues  10 disasters God inflicted on the   Spirit of God was hovering over the
 sections:   Old   Testament   and   New   people of Egypt to convince the king   waters.  And God said, “Let there be
 to save the Israelites.
 Testament.  Exodus  Israelites journey out of Egypt  light,” and there was light.
 The  first  book  of  the  Bible  is  called   Gospels  The first four books of the New
 Genesis, meaning origin.  Testament; gospel means good
 In Genesis you should be familiar with the   news.
 stories  of  Adam  and  Eve,  Cain  and  Abel,   Messiah  Saviour or rescuer, sent by God.
 Noah, Abraham, Jacob and Joseph.  Miracle  An extraordinary event that cannot
 be explained by natural or scientific
 The  second  book  of  the  Bible  is  Exodus   laws and is therefore attributed to
 which tells the story of Moses.   the divine (God).
 Throughout  the  Bible,  God  hears  his
 people’s  cries,  rescues  and  provides  for   Original sin  Christian belief that everyone is born
 them as they turn away from him time and   with a desire to do wrong. The first
 time again.  sin committed by Adam & Eve.

 Parable  A short story intended to make a
 At the end of the Old Testament, the Jews   particular point or tell a moral lesson.
 (Israelites)  hope  that  God  will  send  a
 Messiah.  Prophet  A messenger from God  Isaiah 61
 Salvation  Deliverance from sin and its   The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on
 The  New  Testament  tells  the  story  of   consequences, believed by   because the Lord has anointed
 Jesus.    The  first  four  books  are  named   Christians to be brought about by   me to proclaim good news to the
 faith in Christ.
 after  the  authors  –  Matthew,  Mark,  Luke   Ten   Ten rules given to Moses by God for   poor…
 and John and are known as the Gospels.  Commandments  the Israelites to follow.
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