Page 71 - Year 8 Knowledge Organiser
P. 71

PE: Netball: 7 of 9                                                                                                         PE: Netball: 8 of 9

 HANDS  Content  Key words  Definitions  HEAD        Content
                                                                                               HEART                                 Content
 Dodge  Can you dodge, change direction and speed effectively to lose a   Pass  Moving the ball to a teammate using the hands.  Rules, Strategies, and   Can you plan a small group skill session for netball?
 marker and receive the ball?  Tactics  - Planning: Organizing drills, setting goals, and leading a session.  Confidence & Interest   Building Confidence and Interest
 Shooting  Throwing the ball towards the net to score.
 - Dodging: Quick movements to create space and receive passes.  Do you understand the rules related to the start of the game?  Can you lead a team during a competitive game and
 Pivot  Keeping one foot in place while moving the other to                                                     make strategic decisions under pressure?
 Passing  Can you perform a running pass?  - Centre Pass: The pass used to start the game and restart after a goal
 avoid defenders.              is scored.                                                                       - Leadership: Directing teammates, making decisions,
 - Running Pass: Passing the ball while on the move.                                                            and staying composed.
 Interception  Gaining possession of the ball by intercepting a pass.  Do you understand the basic responsibilities of each position?
 Recieving  Do you signal where you want to receive a pass?                                                     Can you motivate and inspire your teammates to
 Defence  The team not in possession of the ball, trying to   - Positions: GS, GA, WA, C, WD, GD, GK – understanding the specific   enhance their performance?
 - Signaling: Communicating with teammates for effective passing.  roles and court areas for each position.
 prevent the other team from scoring.
 Defending  Can you delay an opposition’s attack?  Can you effectively defend both a pass or a shot?            - Motivation: Encouraging and supporting teammates.
 Offence  The team in possession of the ball, trying to score                         Enjoyment and             Active Participation and Enthusiasm
 - Defense: Techniques to slow down or stop an opponent’s advance.  points.  - Defense: Techniques for marking and intercepting passes and shots.  Engagement
 Catching  Can you catch and turn in the air in a practice situation?  Dodge  Quick movements to lose a defender and create   Can you explain advanced strategies such as double marking and   Can you actively engage in all netball activities with a
                                                                                                                positive attitude and high energy levels?
                               zone defense?
 - Catching and Turning: Securing the ball and changing direction mid-  space.  - Double Marking: Two defenders marking one attacker.  - Active Participation: Engaging fully in drills, games, and
 air.                                                                                                           activities.
 Bounce   A low pass that bounces before reaching the receiver.  - Zone Defense: Defending an area rather than a specific player.
 Passing  Can you perform a running pass and turn in the air to effect in a   pass                              Can you reflect on and share what aspects of netball
 game situation?               Can you analyze and explain different offensive plays and                        you enjoy most and why?
 Chest pass  A pass thrown from chest level with both hands.  strategies?
 - Running Pass and Turn: Combining skills for effective play under   - Offensive Plays: Structured movements to create scoring   - Reflection: Thinking about what was enjoyable and
 pressure.  Shoulder   A pass thrown from shoulder height, typically over a   opportunities.                    sharing those insights.

 Defending  Do you know how to defend the throw/shot from one metre?  pass  longer distance.  Healthy Participation  Can you explain the cardiovascular benefits of playing netball
 - Defending: Positioning and timing to block or contest shots.  Footwork   Players must not move their landing foot once they   regularly?
 rule  have caught the ball.   - Cardiovascular Health: Regular play improves heart and lung
 Shooting  Can you score one out of three shots?  function.
 Centre pass  The pass used to start the game and restart after a
 - Shooting: Accuracy and technique for successful scoring.  Can you discuss how endurance training can improve netball
 goal is scored.               performance?
 Defending  Can you execute a successful interception to regain possession?
 Court   Lines on the court indicating different areas of play.  - Endurance Training: Increases stamina and the ability to sustain
 - Interception: Timing and positioning to intercept passes.  markings  physical activity.

 Footwork  Can you maintain ball control while pivoting under defensive   Goal circle  The area where shooters are allowed to take shots at
 the goal.
 - Pivoting: Keeping one foot in place while changing direction with the
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