Page 63 - Year 8
P. 63

RE: Being a Muslim in UK: 1 of 1                                                                                                    Science: 1 of 6

    Context:                                                                            Keywords:                                  Beliefs and Practices

 Islam is the religion, Muslims are the followers of Islam.   Islam: submission to Allah   Islamic Aid: a charity by Muslims that
 Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions.  Like Jews   Allah: the one and true God.   provides.
 and Christians, Muslims claim Abraham as the father      Muslims believe in the creation of a fair
 figure of their religion.  This forms the trio of religions that  5 Pillars of Faith   society in the world. Muslims donate to
 are known as Abrahamic (Christians, Jews and Muslims).  Shahadah: declaration of faith:  “There is no god but   charity so that those who do not have
 Islam is based on submission to the will of Allah (God).    Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is his prophet”.   enough can benefit.  No one should be poor
 All Muslims will follow the will and the words of Allah   Salah/Salat: prayer.  Done 5 times a day    when there are fellow Muslims around.
 without questions.     Zakat/Zakah: Charity or alms giving at 2.5% of ones   Here is quote that captures the whole idea
 These words were brought to humans through an angel,   savings   about helping others:
 Gabriel/Jibril who was sent by Allah.    Saum/Sawm: fasting done during daylight hours for 30
 Gabriel/Jibril then brought the message to the Prophet   days a year.     “He who eats while his brother is hungry is
 Muhammad who then had it dictated to those who wrote  Hajj:the journey to Mecca, the place that Prophet   not one of us”, says the Qur’an.
 it in the Qur’an as we have it today.    Muhammad was born, lived at and started his work
 Muslims live by the book.  They follow its teachings and   Qur’an: the holy text in Islam
 live by the requirements of the word of Allah as written in  Mosque: the place of worship for Muslims
 the Qur’an.    Halal: permitted or allowed actions or products.  You
     can do these things or eat these products
 Muslims believe in heave and hell.  Good work and good   Haram: not permitted or allowed.  You cannot do or
 behaviour gets rewarded with heaven.  Bad choices and   consume these things
 bad behaviour gets punished with hell.     Ummah: Community of Muslims round the world
    Imam: Leader in a Mosque (equivalent to a Vicar in a
 Allah also judges the intentions besides the good works.   church)
 So all Muslims strive to do good and go to heaven.  It is
 the ultimate goal for every Muslim, go to heaven and
 reap all the benefits of paradise, a beautiful place.

 Muslims will observe and follow the 5 pillars of faith.  The
 first 4 are not optional, the fifth one; Hajj, is dependent
 on ability and should be done once in a lifetime if one is
 Where one cannot give money for zakat, one should give
 whatever they have produced or give time that will count
 as zakat.  The intentions matter the most because Allah
 sees and notices them.
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