Page 61 - Year 8
P. 61

Orienteering  PE: 8 of 9  Assessment                                                                                                          PE: 9 of 9

 Heart: Trust and Teamwork  Year 8 – Spring Term  Achievements                                          Targets for Term 3
 Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected  Greater Depth
 Consistently provides constructive feedback
 How can you support your partner during   Offers basic feedback but requires guidance   Supports partner by offering feedback and   and motivates their partner to achieve shared   HEAD
 navigation?  to collaborate effectively.  suggestions during navigation tasks.
 goals.           “knowledge”
 Leads or facilitates teamwork, ensuring all
 How do you demonstrate teamwork in   Collaborates minimally or struggles to   Communicates clearly and works   Greater depth
 navigation?  communicate effectively with peers.  collaboratively to plan and execute tasks.  members contribute equally and decisions
 are collaborative.
 Demonstrates respect for peers and   Models excellent sportsmanship,
 What does sportsmanship look like in   Shows limited understanding of fairness or   adherence to rules during competitive   encouraging others and setting a positive
 orienteering?  respect in competitive tasks.  Working towards
 orienteering activities.  example during group tasks.
 Uses collaboration effectively to enhance
 Why is collaboration important in problem   Recognises collaboration but struggles to   Explains how working together improves   decision-making and achieve optimal results
 solving?  apply it effectively in navigation tasks.  problem solving and efficiency.
 during tasks.
 Actively works with their partner to overcome
 What should you do if your partner makes   Struggles to support or provide constructive   Provides constructive feedback to help their   “attitudes”
 a mistake?  feedback to a partner.  partner recover from mistakes.  challenges and improve strategies
                         Greater depth
 Hands: Performance Improvement
 Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected  Greater Depth  Expected

 Attempts to orient the map but requires   Consistently orients the map correctly and   Reliably and quickly orients the map even in
 Can you orient and set the map correctly?  Working towards
 teacher guidance.  matches it to the environment.  unfamiliar or challenging environments.
 Consistently uses thumbing to maintain
 Can you use the "thumbing" technique   Struggles to maintain thumb position on the   Tracks position using thumbing with
 effectively?  map while navigating.  reasonable accuracy.  precise awareness of location throughout
 navigation tasks.
 Identifies handrails but struggles to follow   Uses handrails to navigate effectively with   Strategically incorporates handrails into
 Can you use "handrails" to guide navigation?  “skills”
 them accurately.  some consistency.  navigation to improve speed and accuracy.
 Uses a compass but struggles with alignment   Aligns compass and follows bearings with   Reliably uses compass bearings to navigate,
 Can you use a compass to find bearings?  Greater depth
 and following bearings.  reasonable accuracy.  adjusting bearings as needed for accuracy.
 Can you navigate between multiple control   Completes routes but with frequent errors or   Navigates between control points efficiently,   Demonstrates smooth, precise, and efficient   Expected
 points?  inefficiency.  maintaining accuracy.  navigation between multiple control points.
                        Working towards
 Consistently records control point codes
 Can you record codes accurately at control   Accurately records control point codes
 points?  Records codes inconsistently or with errors.  during activities.  with precision, even under time constraints
 or competition.
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