Page 58 - Year 8
P. 58
Rugby Union PE: 6 of 9
Heart: Collaboration and Emotional Skills
Assessment Question Working Towards Expected Greater Depth
Leads collaboration and
Can you collaborate effectively Participates in teamwork but Works well with others to create motivates teammates during
with your teammates? needs reminders to contribute. attacking and defensive plays.
Attempts to support but may
Can you support your teammate hesitate or be unclear on the Supports teammates effectively Anticipates the play and supports
during a tackle or ruck? during tackles and rucks. consistently and confidently.
Can you show respect for Respects rules and plays fairly Consistently demonstrates Encourages respect among peers
teammates, opponents, and with occasional reminders. respect in all scenarios. and sets an example for others.
Hands: Physical Skills
Assessment Question Working Towards Expected Greater Depth
Can you perform accurate Passes occasionally reach the Passes are consistently accurate Passes with accuracy, timing, and
passes in a game situation? target with help. and timed well. under game pressure.
Can you safely and effectively Performs tackles with basic Tackles safely and effectively in Tackles with excellent technique
tackle an opponent? safety but needs refinement. practice and gameplay. and consistency.
Can you beat an opponent using Attempts to evade but with Uses skills like side-stepping to Combines multiple techniques to
rugby techniques? limited success. beat an opponent effectively. consistently outwit opponents.
Can you ruck or maul with Participates but may require Rucks and mauls effectively Demonstrates mastery of rucking
correct technique? support to apply the technique. during practice activities. and mauling in games.