Page 36 - Year 9
P. 36

Geography: Climate Change: 2 of 2

         Weather                        Short term state of the atmosphere in a particular location.
         Climate                        Long term state of the atmosphere (usually 30 years or more)
         Climate change                 Long-term shift in the state of the atmosphere.
         Greenhouse gasses              Gasses which absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.
         Mitigation                     Actions that prevent or reduce the causes of climate change.
         Adaptation                     Actions that help people cope with the effects of climate change.

          Natural Factor                 Time-                           Diagram

        Orbital Change

        Sunspots                       11 years

        Volcanic                       Unpredi
        Eruptions                      ctable

                                                              Responses To Climate Change

                               Mitigation                                                                    Adaptation
      Electric vehicles, such as Tesla.                                        Flood resilient housing, such as elevated houses in Northern Bangladesh.

      Carbon Capture and Storage, such as Boundary Dam Power Station.          Farmer field schools, such as saltwater growing techniques in Southern Bangladesh.

      International agreements, such as Glasgow 2021 declaration to ban and    Rainwater storage, such as Hafirs in Sudan for irrigation.
      reverse deforestation.
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