Page 75 - Year 9
P. 75

Rugby Union  PE: 5 of 9  Rugby Union                                                                                                          PE: 6 of 9

 Key Terminology  Heart: Building Trust and Teamwork

 Term  Definition  Assessment Question             Working Towards                       Expected                              Greater Depth
 Backward Pass A pass that travels parallel or behind the player, essential for maintaining possession in rugby.
 Dummy Run  A deceptive move by a player to draw defenders away from the ball carrier.  Can you organise and officiate a   Can assist but needs guidance.  Organises and officiates games   Takes a leadership role, managing
                                                                                                                               games confidently.
             simple game of rugby?
 Grubber Kick  A low, bouncing kick designed to exploit space behind the defence.  Do you communicate effectively
 Box kick  A high kick aimed at putting pressure on the receiving team.  to help organise a defensive or   Communicates occasionally but   Communicates clearly to   Directs and motivates the team
 Ruck  A contest for the ball on the ground after a tackle.  attacking line?  lacks consistency.  organise teammates.          with confidence.
 Maul  A contest for the ball where players are bound together but the ball is still held off the ground.  Can you organise a rugby-
 Scrum  A set formation used to restart play after certain infringements, requiring binding and teamwork.  specific warm-up for a small   Demonstrates basic knowledge   Leads a structured warm-up   Designs and leads tailored warm-
                                                                                                                               ups confidently.
                                                   but needs reminders.
 Line-Out  A method of restarting play where players jump to catch a ball thrown in from the touchline.  group?
 Offside  A rule violation where a player is in front of the ball or interfering with play unfairly.
 Tactical Kick  A deliberate kick aimed at gaining territory or creating scoring opportunities.
             Hands: Skill execution

 Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected  Greater Depth  Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected                Greater Depth
 Can you devise basic tactics to   Can you pass effectively to both   Occasionally performs accurate   Consistently passes accurately to   Passes with precision under
 gain an advantage over   Suggests simple tactics with   Creates basic but effective   Develops and adapts complex   the left and right?  passes.  both sides.  pressure.
 tactics dynamically.
 limited understanding.
 tactics in gameplay.
 opponents?  Can you demonstrate how to            Demonstrates basic tackling          Tackles safely and effectively in     Tackles with confidence and
 Do you know when to switch   Occasionally recognises   Consistently identifies and uses   Anticipates strategies and adjusts   tackle effectively and safely?  techniques.  games.  consistency under pressure.
 play or use dummy runs to   opportunities to switch play or
 outwit opponents?  use dummy runs.  appropriate tactics.  dynamically.  Can you perform a loop to effect   Attempts loops but with limited   Executes loops effectively in   Integrates loops seamlessly into
 Can you consistently outwit an   Occasionally outwits opponents   Regularly outwits opponents in   Executes effectively under   in a game situation?  success.  practice games.  live gameplay.
 opponent in a two vs one   but inconsistently.  structured drills.  pressure in live gameplay.  Can you demonstrate effective   Leads backline play effectively,
 situation?  use of running backs after a          Demonstrates limited success.        Uses running backs strategically.     creating opportunities.
 Attempts tactical kicks with   Uses tactical kicks effectively for   Incorporates tactical kicks   ruck/maul?
 Can you use kicking as a tactic?
 limited accuracy.  territory.  seamlessly into play.  Can you break a defensive line   Attempts side steps but   Breaks lines effectively using side   Combines side steps with other

 Can you explain why creating   Recognises space but struggles   Explains and uses space to   Identifies space dynamically and   using a side step?  inconsistently.  steps.  skills to consistently break lines.
 space is important in rugby?  to use it effectively.  support attacks.  exploits it effectively.
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