Page 77 - Year 9
P. 77

Sport Education  PE: 7 of 9  Sport Education                                                                                                  PE: 8 of 9

 Key Terminology
               Heart: Teamwork and Collaboration
 Term  Definition
               Assessment Question                  Working Towards                      Expected                             Greater Depth
 Problem-Solving  The process of identifying a challenge and finding a solution, particularly in gameplay scenarios.
                                                                                                                              Proactively leads and supports team
 Teamwork  Working together effectively to achieve a common goal.  Can you collaborate effectively with your   Contributes occasionally but needs   Works consistently well with teammates to   collaboration, ensuring everyone
               teammates to solve a task?           prompting to stay engaged.           solve tasks.
 Communication  Verbal and non-verbal methods of sharing information with teammates.                                          contributes.
 Tactics  Strategies and actions planned to achieve success in a game.  Can you demonstrate effective non-  Occasionally uses non-verbal cues but   Regularly uses effective gestures to support   Uses advanced non-verbal cues
               verbal communication during a match?  lacks clarity.                      communication during gameplay.       consistently to enhance team coordination.
 Role Allocation  Assigning specific responsibilities (e.g., Manager, Warm-Up Coach) to team members.
               Can you build trust and collaboration   Participates but struggles to contribute to   Consistently supports teammates and   Actively fosters trust, motivating and uniting
 Collaboration  Cooperating and contributing equally as a team to solve problems.  within your team?  trust and cohesion.  contributes to a positive team dynamic.  the team with effective leadership.
 Transition  The process of switching from defence to attack or vice versa.                                                   Inspires teammates, maintaining high
               Can you motivate and encourage your   Offers occasional encouragement but may   Provides consistent motivation and
 Spacing  Creating physical distance between players to open opportunities for passing or shooting.                           morale and focus during challenging
               teammates during challenging moments?  struggle to stay positive under pressure.  maintains a positive attitude.  moments.
 Non-Verbal   Conveying messages without words, such as through hand signals or body language.
 Communication                                                                                                                Analyses teamwork deeply and implements
               Can you reflect on and improve your   Identifies general communication issues   Reflects constructively and suggests
 Reflection  Thinking about performance to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.  team’s communication and teamwork?  but struggles to suggest improvements.  practical ways to improve team dynamics.  strategies to enhance communication and

 Head: Understanding and Problem-Solving  Hands: Skill Execution and Physical Participation

 Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected  Greater Depth  Assessment Question  Working Towards  Expected                 Greater Depth
 Can you explain the key tactics for offence   Describes basic tactics but struggles to   Explains and applies common tactics such   Adapts and implements advanced tactics,   Can you execute key Handball skills like   Performs basic skills inconsistently with   Consistently executes fundamental   Demonstrates mastery of skills with
 and defence in Handball?  apply them.  as spacing and defensive positioning.  providing strategic input during matches.  passing, shooting, and defending?  limited control.  Handball skills with accuracy in gameplay.  precision, adapting effectively to pressure.
 Can you solve problems during gameplay to   Identifies simple problems but requires   Independently identifies and solves   Anticipates problems, proposes solutions,   Can you maintain defensive positioning   Attempts to stay in position but often loses   Maintains correct positioning and   Anticipates opponents’ movements,
 support your team?  guidance to solve them.  common gameplay problems.  and adjusts gameplay proactively.  effectively?  focus.  challenges opponents without fouling.  demonstrating advanced defensive
 Demonstrates deep understanding,
 Can you explain why roles are important in   Recognises that roles exist but struggles to   Explains how roles improve team   Can you actively participate in all   Participates occasionally but may lack   Engages actively in all drills, games, and   Enthusiastically contributes to all activities,
 team problem-solving?  explain their importance.  organisation and problem-solving.  suggesting role adaptations to improve
 outcomes.     activities?                          focus or engagement.                 discussions.                          often taking initiative to help others.
 Can you anticipate challenges and adapt   Reacts to challenges with teacher   Adapts tactics to overcome challenges   Consistently anticipates challenges and   Can you fulfil your assigned role   Takes on a role but requires reminders to   Completes assigned responsibilities   Excels in the role, proactively contributing
 tactics to overcome them?  prompting.  independently in basic scenarios.  adjusts tactics effectively in real time.  effectively?  complete tasks.  independently and supports the team’s   to team organisation and performance.

 Confidently enforces and explains rules,                                                success.
 Can you explain the rules of Handball and   Understands basic rules but struggles with   Explains and applies rules like the 3-second   including complex scenarios, ensuring fair   Can you adapt your skills to perform   Performs basic skills but struggles in   Adapts skills effectively in high-pressure   Demonstrates mastery of skills under
 apply them in a game?  consistent application.  and 3-step rules during gameplay.
 play.         under pressure?                      competitive scenarios.               situations, maintaining accuracy.     pressure, excelling in competitive settings.
 Can you evaluate your team’s performance   Identifies general areas for improvement   Provides constructive feedback and specific   Analyses performance in depth, offering   Can you demonstrate advanced tactics   Understands basic tactics but struggles to   Implements advanced tactics effectively   Leads team in applying and refining
 and suggest improvements?  with guidance.  suggestions for team improvement.  targeted feedback and practical solutions.  like creating space or quick transitions?  apply them in complex scenarios.  during games.  advanced tactics, consistently outwitting
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