
As Year 9 students are nearing the end of their Key Stage 3 education, they must now make some
important choices about the subjects they wish to study in years 10 and 11. The choices they make will
determine the qualifications they will achieve at GCSE level. These qualifications will provide a vital
platform for students to access post-16 education and ultimately, the beginnings of successful careers.

In Key Stage 3, students followed a broad, but prescribed curriculum. In Key Stage 4, all students will
continue to follow a partially prescribed curriculum, but they will also be given some choice around which
other subjects they wish to study.

Your Head of Year, Mrs Willmot is co-ordinating the options process so if you do have any questions please
direct them to her in the first instance at kwillmot@smcc.devon.sch.uk

Our Year 9 Options Evening is from 2:45pm on Wednesday 20th March 2024.




2024-26 Options Booklet