Page 87 - Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
P. 87
RE: GCSE: 5 of 6 RE: GCSE: 6 of 6
Knowledge Organiser 6: Christian Practices
Knowledge Organiser 5: Christian Practices Key facts to memorise: Pilgrimage A journey by a Christian to a holy site For God so loved the world
Key facts to memorise: Baptism The sacrament through which people ‘Christ instituted the sacraments of for religious reasons - an act of that He sent His one and only
become members of the Church. the new law. There are seven: Many Christians go on pilgrimage to remember key points
Some Christians believe that the gift of Grace fills in Christian history. This might be to help them connect with worship and devotion Son,,
Christians with strength and wisdom to help them lead a Baptism involves the use of water as a Baptism, Confirmation (or God; others do it as an act of penance or to petition God Lourdes A town in France, where the Virgin 1 Corinthians 15:14-16
good life. symbol of the washing away of Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance, for help for others / loved ones. Mary appeared to Bernadette in a 14 And if Christ has not been
Original sin. It is a rite of initiation. the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders series of visions, and now a place of raised, our preaching is useless
Sacraments are used in most Christian churches. In the 15
Catholic & Orthodox churches there are seven sacraments. Believers’ Initiation into the Church, by and Matrimony. The seven The Christian calendar has two main seasons, each with pilgrimage, where it is claimed that and so is your faith. More than
Baptism immersion in water, of people old sacraments touch all the stages and three festivals: miraculous healings have taken place. that, we are then found to be
In the Church of England there are two: Baptism &Holy enough to understand the ceremony. all the important moments of Christian false witnesses about God, for
Communion. Part of the FIRST season is CHRISTMAS when Christians Iona An island of the west coast of
This form of baptism contains many life: they give birth and increase, celebrate the birth of Jesus. Advent candles are lit on each of we have testified about God that
Most Christians use infant baptism – Church of England; similarities to the baptism of Jesus. healing and mission to the Christian's the four Sundays leading up to Christmas. The festival marks Scotland founded by Columba in the he raised Christ from the dead.
Catholic & Orthodox. Holy A thanksgiving service in which the life of faith….’ Catechism of the the birth of the Incarnation –Jesus, God and man. 4th century, used by Christians today But he did not raise him if in fact
Some prefer adult baptism – Baptists Communion sacrificial death and resurrection of Catholic Church For Christians Easter is the most important festival that as a centre for pilgrimage and the dead are not raised. For if
religious retreat.
Jesus are celebrated using bread and celebrates and remembers the sacrifice and atonement of the dead are not raised, then
Most Christians believe that Holy Communion helps them Therefore, go and make disciples of Jesus on Good Friday. Easter The religious season celebrating the Christ has not been raised
to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his wine; also called Eucharist, Mass, the all nations, baptizing them in the Easter Sunday is the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, which Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. either. “
resurrection from death. Many Christians believe that it’s Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of Bread, name of the Father and of the Son is evidence for Christians of life after death, and proves that It starts on Easter Day and finishes
the most important act of worship they can participate in. the Divine Liturgy. Jesus is who He said He was, and is the key belief in with the feast of Pentecost.
When they celebrate Holy Communion, they are thanking Infant The ritual through which babies and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching Christianity. Christmas The Feast Day commemorating the
God for God’s love in sending Jesus to save humans Baptism become members of the Church. them to obey everything I have The week leading up to Easter Day is called Holy Week.
from sin and enable to experience God’s love for all commanded you. And surely, I am Christians remember how Jesus travelled to Jerusalem to birth of Jesus (25 December in most
eternity. Promises are taken on their behalf by with you always, to the very end of confront the Jewish Pharisees and Teachers of the Law, how Churches). Also the season of 12
adults; the infant is freed from Original days ending with the Feast of
The Last Supper was probably a Passover meal, sin and is given the support of the the age.” Matthew 28 19-20 he was betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas Iscariot, Epiphany (when Christians remember
celebrating the escape of Moses and the Jewish people Christian community. and how he was arrested on Thursday evening after his Last the visit of the wise men)
from slavery in Egypt. Jesus’ words give new meaning “Or don’t you know that all of us who Supper (Maundy Thursday), how he was put on trial over
to this meal but help Christians to understand how God Sacraments Rites and rituals through which the were baptised into Christ Jesus were night, and was then tortured and crucified on ‘Good Friday’. Festival A day or period of celebration for
acts to save the world. believer receives a special gift of baptised into his death? We were Special services are held, On Easter Sunday (Easter Day), religious reasons
grace; for Catholics, Anglican and churches are filled with FLOWERS and special HYMNS are Bethlehem The town where Jesus was born.
Some denominations (e.g. Quakers and The Salvation therefore buried with him through sung celebrating the resurrection. Christians are taught that this was
Army) do not celebrate the sacraments, including many Protestants, sacraments are baptism into death in order that, just Catholics and Anglicans sometimes have a VIGIL on foretold in the scriptures
Communion. Some denominations (mostly non- ‘outward signs of inward grace.’ as Christ was raised from the dead Saturday night that begins in DARKNESS includes the Jerusalem The place of Jesus’ crucifixion and
conformist churches e.g. Methodist, Baptists etc.) do not through the glory of the Father, we lighting of the large PASCHAL candle to symbolise Christ as
use alcoholic wine. resurrection.
too may live a new life.’ the light of the world.
Romans 6:3-4