Page 85 - Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
P. 85
RE: GCSE: 3 of 6 RE: GCSE: 4 of 6
Key facts to memorise: Keywords: Knowledge Organiser 4: Christian Practices
Atonement The reconciliation between God ‘For the wages of sin is death, but the
Salvation through Grace and humanity that was sealed by Key facts to memorise: Liturgical Worship A church service which follows a The Jesus Prayer
Salvation through law the sacrificial death of Jesus. gift of God is eternal life in Christ Worship – Christian worship is based on their beliefs in set structure or ritual. ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have
Salvation through the Spirit. Crucifixion Jesus’ death on the cross – His Jesus our Lord.’ Romans 6:23 God. Non-liturgical A service which does not follow a mercy on me, a sinner.’
set text or ritual. This type of
Some Christians believe that people can achieve sacrifice atones for Man’s sin. “For it is by grace you have been Most Christians go to a church for communal worship is sometimes spontaneous ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek
worship. Many feel that this is a powerful form of
salvation by having faith in God and obeying God’s Good Works Doing acts of kindness to others. saved, through faith – and this is not worship as many come together to express a shared or charismatic in nature. and you will find; knock and the door
law will please God. An example is caring for those Grace God’s unconditional love for all from yourselves, it is the gift of God – belief, or to ask for a common goal. will be opened to you. For everyone
who are less fortunate or giving to charity. people. not by works, so that no one can Liturgical churches have ordained priests whose role Informal Worship Worship which has no set structure. who asks receives; the one who seeks
Heaven The place of eternal joy and is to explain the meaning of the Bible and Jesus’ It is usually spontaneous and
Most Christians believe in salvation through GOOD peace – being in the presence of boast.” teachings to the congregation. Worship follows a set sometimes ‘charismatic’ in nature. finds; and to the one who knocks, the
WORKS - the Old Testament makes it God. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is (liturgical) pattern so that all can join in and fellow door will be opened.’ Matthew 7:
Hell The place of eternal suffering or worshippers around the world will be involved in the Private Worship Praise and worship of God your ‘And pray in the Spirit on all occasions
clear that a person achieves salvation by. the Son of God, God lives in him and
the state after death him in God. And so we know and rely same worship. own in private. with all kinds of prayers and requests.
● Some Christians believe in salvation through Incarnation The teaching that God took the Worship Offering to God the praise that he is With this in mind, be alert and always
GRACE (the unconditional love that God has for human form as Jesus. on the love God has for us.’ Non-liturgical Churches do not follow a set pattern due. This may be done in public or keep on praying for all the Lord’s
everyone) God grants salvation through faith in Reconciliation 1. The process of restoring 1 John 4:15-16 and may be influenced by events in their local area in private worship. people.’
Jesus Christ harmony after relationships ‘You may believe that Jesus is the when choosing passages from the Bible. Set Prayer Prayers that are written and are
between people has broken said the same way. E.g. The Lord’s Ephesians 6:18
Some Christians believe in salvation through the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by Christians think worship is important, because it shows
spirit: The Holy Spirit helps Christians to follow the down. 2. A sacrament in the believing you may have life in his respect to God. Through worship, they recognise and Prayer, the Jesus Prayer, Angelus. “ For where two or three gather in my
teachings of God, and God recognises that everyone Roman Catholic and some name.’ John 21:31 acknowledge His love and generosity – for example, in name, there am I with them.”
will sin but that they will turn to God in Anglican Churches. the Genesis story and the Creed, Christians are taught Informal Prayer Spontaneous prayers spoken from Matthew 18:20
repentance (Acts 20:21). Resurrection 1. The event celebrated each ‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No that God created the world for Man. Christians thank the heart.
Sunday of Jesus rising from the God for the gift of creation. Non-conformist An English Protestant who does not “When you pray, go into your room,
Crucifixion – Jesus’ death on the cross. Christians dead . one comes to the Father except conform to the doctrines or close the door and pray to your Father,
believe that this sacrifice proves God’s love for through me.’ John 14:6 Another reason why Christians think worship is practices of the Church of England who is unseen. Then your Father, who
Man. Jesus’ death atones (pays the debt of) for 2. The form that many Christians important is that in His ministry and teachings, (e.g. Methodists/Baptists etc.) sees what is done in secret, will reward
Man’s sin and restores the relationship between believe the afterlife will take, Jesus explained that people should worship God. you.” Matthew 6:6
God and Man – reconciliation. referring to either physical or He taught his followers how to pray in the Lord’s Prayer Communicating with God through
spiritual bodies And if Christ has not been raised, our Prayer. words of praise, thanksgiving or
The Resurrection – Christians believe that this Salvation To be saved from the preaching is useless and so is your confession, or requests for his help
proves that Jesus was who He said He was - God consequences of sin and allowed faith.” (1 Corinthians 15:14) Christians pray because Jesus prayed. He is the or guidance.
the Son. This means that His teachings must be example that Christians follow. help, for themselves
true. His resurrection is the central belief in to enter Heaven. and for others
Christianity and reassures Christians that there is Sin any action that separates man
an afterlife – Heaven. from God