Page 83 - Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
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RE: GCSE: 1 of 6 RE: GCSE: 2 of 6
Knowledge Organiser 2 . Christian Beliefs and Practices
Knowledge Organiser – Christian Beliefs and Teachings.
Essential Knowledge Key Terms Key Quotes
Christians believe that there is only one God -this is taught: Omni- The belief that God is ‘all loving’ Key facts to memorise: Evil The opposite of good. A force ‘Nothing is impossible with
benevolence that is seen in many traditions God.’ Luke 1:37
• in the Bible “In the beginning God created the heavens Omnipotent The belief that God is ‘all ‘You shall have no gods before me.’ ALL CHRISTIANS believe that God created the world. as destructive and against God
and the earth.” powerful’. Exodus 20:2-3 Christians believe that the world is God’s loving creation. Most Suffering When people have to face and ‘In the beginning was the
• In the Creed “We believe in one God.” Omnipresent The belief that God is everywhere Christians accept the Big Bang Theory and Theory of Evolution live with unpleasant events or Word, and the Word was with
• All Christian Churches teach this Omniscience The belief that God is ‘all knowing’ ‘Nothing is impossible with God.’ God, and the Word was God.
“I believe in one God” – Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Oneness of God is ‘One’ - all members of the Luke 1:37 as explanations for how God created the world we see today. Creation conditions. He was with God in the
Christians believe that the world
Christians believe that God is: God Trinity together make up the one Problem of Evil and Suffering: Some Christians will argue that beginning. Through him all
true God. ‘God so loved the world that he Jesus suffered, so would expect to suffer too. Others might lose is God’s loving creation. things were made; without
All loving “Whoever does not love does not know God, Grace The unconditional and generous gave his one and only Son, that their faith. Some might look at the example of Job – a good man Free Will God’s gift means that we him nothing was made that
because God is love.” (1 John 4:8) love that God shows to all. whoever believes in him shall not whose faith was tested by God and was rewarded for keeping choose to follow His laws or not. has been made.’ John 1:1-3
Just God treats each individual human perish but have eternal live.’ Moral Evil Evil made by Man’s misuse of
because God is loving, this, might influence Christians to being fairly and equally. his faith. ‘For the wages of sin is death,
treat others with love (kindness and compassion.) The Father The first Person of the Trinity, the John 3:16 Some Christians, Creationists or Fundamentalists believe Free Will but the gift of God is eternal
creator and sustainer of the ‘Love your enemies and pray for Natural Evil Evil caused by Nature e.g. life in Christ Jesus our Lord.’
All knowing: “The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping universe that the biblical account of creation taking 6 days is accurate, famine, floods. Romans 6:23
watch on the wicked and the good.” Proverbs 15:3: Holy Spirit 3 person of the Trinity – bringer those who persecute you, that you because the Bible is the Word of God. Liturgical Worship A form of worship with a set
may be sons of your Father in
because God is all knowing, this, might influence to not of Grace and Wisdom heaven…be perfect as your heavenly Liturgical Churches (denominations) tend to use liturgical structure It is a formal ritual “When you pray, go into your
sin, because God will know and will hold them The Son 2 Person of the Trinity. This is Father is perfect.’ Matthew 5:43-45, worship: based around the sacraments, room, close the door and pray
Jesus, in whom God became
accountable. to your Father, who is
incarnate. 48 Anglicans, Roman Catholics and Orthodox. particularly Holy Communion. unseen. Then your Father,
All powerful: He created the world by just saying “Let there Son of God A title used for Jesus - denotes ‘This is love: not that we loved God, Non-liturgical Informal - there doesn’t need to who sees what is done in
be light…” because God is all powerful, this, might influence the special relationship between The main features or characteristics of liturgical worship are Worship be a set order or ritual secret, will reward you.”
to ask God for help because “nothing is impossible with Jesus and God. but that He loved us and sent His Set structure / order of the service using set prayers and Prayer A form of worship and
God.” Trinity The belief that there are three Son as an atoning sacrifice for our • communication “For where two or three are
equal, but separate Persons in the sins. Dear friends, since God so readings.
Just: Christians believe that because God is all knowing and One God. The Father, Son and loved us, we also ought to love one Set Prayer Prayers that are set (liturgical) gathered in my name, there
all loving, his justice is perfect. He treats everybody equally Holy Spirit another.’ • In liturgical worship the priest may perform symbolic and are written e.g. the Lord’s am I with them.” (Matthew 18).
and fairly. actions which have a specific meaning. Prayer
1 John 4:10-11
This might influence Christians to treat others fairly Nonconformist Churches such as Methodist, Baptist and Informal Prayer Can be made to suit the needs
because they believe that this is how God wants them to ‘In everything, do to others as they United Reformed Churches use non-liturgical or informal of the occasion or individual –
behave. would have them do to you.’ worship. no set words or pattern.
Matthew 7:12