Page 82 - Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
P. 82

RE: GCSE: 1 of 6

                                                           Knowledge Organiser – Christian Beliefs and Teachings.
       Essential Knowledge                                         Key Terms                                             Key Quotes
       Christians believe that there is only one God -this is taught:  Omni-           The belief that God is ‘all loving’
       •    in the Bible “In the beginning God created the heavens   Omnipotent        The  belief  that  God  is  ‘all   ‘You shall have no gods before me.’
            and the earth.”                                                            powerful’.                        Exodus 20:2-3
       •    In the Creed “We believe in one God.”                  Omnipresent         The belief that God is everywhere
       •    All Christian Churches teach this                      Omniscience         The belief that God is ‘all knowing’  ‘Nothing is impossible with God.’
          “I believe in one God” – Catechism of the Catholic Church.   The  Oneness  of  God is ‘One’ - all members of the   Luke 1:37
       Christians believe that God is:                             God                 Trinity  together  make  up  the  one
                                                                                       true God.                          ‘God so loved the world that he
       All loving “Whoever does not love does not know God,        Grace               The  unconditional  and  generous   gave his one and only Son, that
       because God is love.” (1 John 4:8)                                              love that God shows to all.       whoever believes in him shall not
                                                                   Just                God treats each individual human   perish but have eternal live.’
       because God is loving, this, might influence Christians to                      being fairly and equally.
       treat others with love (kindness and compassion.)           The Father          The first Person of the Trinity, the   John 3:16
                                                                                       creator  and  sustainer  of  the    ‘Love your enemies and pray for
       All knowing: “The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping                      universe
       watch on the wicked and the good.” Proverbs 15:3:           Holy Spirit         3  person of the Trinity – bringer   those who persecute you, that you
                                                                                                                         may be sons of your Father in
       because God is all knowing, this, might influence to not                        of Grace and Wisdom               heaven…be perfect as your heavenly
       sin, because God will know and will hold them               The Son             2   Person  of  the  Trinity.  This  is   Father is perfect.’ Matthew 5:43-45,
                                                                                       Jesus,  in  whom  God  became
                                                                                       incarnate.                        48
       All powerful: He created the world by just saying “Let there   Son of God       A  title  used  for  Jesus  -  denotes   ‘This is love: not that we loved God,
       be light…” because God is all powerful, this, might influence                   the  special  relationship  between
       to ask God for help because “nothing is impossible with                         Jesus and God.                    but that He loved us and sent His
       God.”                                                       Trinity             The  belief  that  there  are  three   Son as an atoning sacrifice for our
                                                                                       equal, but separate Persons in the   sins.  Dear friends, since God so
       Just: Christians believe that because God is all knowing and                    One  God.  The  Father,  Son  and   loved us, we also ought to love one
       all loving, his justice is perfect. He treats everybody equally                 Holy Spirit                       another.’
       and fairly.
                                                                                                                         1 John 4:10-11
       This  might  influence  Christians  to  treat  others  fairly
       because they believe that this is how God wants them to                                                            ‘In everything, do to others as they
       behave.                                                                                                           would have them do to you.’
                                                                                                                         Matthew 7:12
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