Page 86 - Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
P. 86

RE: GCSE: 5 of 6

                                                         Knowledge Organiser 5:   Christian Practices
      Key facts to memorise:                                Baptism           The sacrament through which people  ‘Christ  instituted  the  sacraments  of
                                                                              become members of the Church.             the  new  law.  There  are  seven:
      Some  Christians  believe  that  the  gift  of  Grace  fills
      Christians  with  strength  and  wisdom  to  help  them  lead  a        Baptism involves the use of water as a  Baptism,          Confirmation         (or
      good life.                                                              symbol of the washing away of             Chrismation), the Eucharist, Penance,
                                                                              Original sin. It is a rite of initiation.  the Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders
      Sacraments  are  used  in  most  Christian  churches.  In  the
      Catholic & Orthodox churches there are seven sacraments.  Believers’    Initiation into the Church, by            and     Matrimony.       The      seven
                                                            Baptism           immersion in water, of people old         sacraments  touch  all  the  stages  and
      In  the  Church  of  England  there  are  two:  Baptism  &Holy          enough to understand the ceremony.        all the important moments of Christian
                                                                              This form of baptism contains many        life: they  give  birth  and  increase,

      Most  Christians  use  infant  baptism  –  Church  of  England;         similarities to the baptism of Jesus.     healing and mission to the Christian's
      Catholic & Orthodox.                                  Holy              A thanksgiving service in which the       life  of  faith….’  Catechism  of  the
      Some prefer adult baptism – Baptists                  Communion         sacrificial death and resurrection of     Catholic Church
                                                                              Jesus are celebrated using bread and
      Most Christians believe that Holy Communion helps them                                                            Therefore,  go  and  make  disciples  of
      to  remember  the  sacrifice  of  Jesus  on  the  cross  and  his       wine; also called Eucharist, Mass, the    all  nations,  baptizing  them  in  the
      resurrection from death.  Many Christians believe that it’s             Lord’s Supper, the Breaking of Bread,     name  of  the  Father  and  of  the  Son
      the most important act of worship they can participate in.              the Divine Liturgy.
      When  they  celebrate  Holy  Communion,  they  are  thanking   Infant   The ritual through which babies           and  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  teaching
      God  for  God’s  love  in  sending  Jesus  to  save  humans   Baptism   become members of the Church.             them  to  obey  everything  I  have
      from  sin  and  enable  to  experience  God’s  love  for  all                                                     commanded  you.  And  surely,  I  am
      eternity.                                                               Promises are taken on their behalf by     with  you  always,  to  the  very  end  of
                                                                              adults; the infant is freed from Original
      The  Last  Supper  was  probably  a  Passover  meal,                    sin and is given the support of the       the age.” Matthew 28 19-20
      celebrating  the  escape  of  Moses  and  the  Jewish  people           Christian community.
      from slavery in Egypt.  Jesus’ words give new meaning                                                             “Or don’t you know that all of us who
      to this meal but help Christians to understand how God   Sacraments     Rites and rituals through which the       were baptised into Christ Jesus were
      acts to save the world.                                                 believer receives a special gift of       baptised  into  his  death?  We  were
                                                                              grace; for Catholics, Anglican and
      Some  denominations  (e.g.  Quakers  and  The  Salvation                                                          therefore  buried  with  him  through
      Army)  do  not  celebrate  the  sacraments,  including                  many Protestants, sacraments are          baptism  into  death  in  order  that,  just
      Communion.   Some  denominations  (mostly  non-                         ‘outward signs of inward grace.’          as  Christ  was  raised  from  the  dead
      conformist  churches  e.g.  Methodist,  Baptists  etc.)  do  not                                                  through  the  glory  of  the  Father,  we
      use alcoholic wine.
                                                                                                                        too may live a new life.’

                                                                                                                        Romans 6:3-4
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