Page 71 - Year 9 Knowledge Organiser
P. 71
PE: Netball: 8 of 9 PE: Gymnastics: 9 of 9
HANDS Content Learning Details
Key words Definitions Outcomes Hands
Catching Can you catch the ball consistently whilst in a game situation?
Pass Moving the ball to a teammate using the hands. Head Demonstrate - Group Balances: - Symmetrical Balances: Balances where the
- Catching: Consistency and technique in game scenarios. basic body positions are mirrored on both sides. - Asymmetrical
Shooting Throwing the ball towards the net to score. Explain the basic - No running or rough play in the gym. - Always listen to the teacher's gymnastic Balances: Balances where the body positions are different on
Communicat Do you know how to communicate and cooperate within your zones? rules and instructions. - Use mats and equipment safely. - Always warm up before techniques each side. - Assisted Flight Movements: - One partner supports
ion Pivot Keeping one foot in place while moving the other regulations of starting exercises. - Perform each skill under supervision. - Ensure the area
- Communication: Effective teamwork and zone defense. to avoid defenders. gymnastics. is clear of obstacles. such as the other in jumps or lifts. - Passive Flight Movements: - One
partner moves the other without active jumping.
Tactics Do you know how to perform simple tactics such as ‘centre pass’ Interception Gaining possession of the ball by intercepting a Describe - Plan your movements in advance. - Link different skills smoothly. - rotation, and
and ‘back line pass’? pass. strategies and Include a variety of movements (balances, rolls, jumps). - Focus on control jumping.
and precision. - Maintain body tension and good posture. - Practice
tactics used in
- Tactics: Execution of center passes and back line passes. Defence The team not in possession of the ball, trying gymnastics regularly to improve fluency. Link different - Transitions: - Move smoothly between group skills. - Practice
Shooting Can you perform a variety of shooting actions? to prevent the other team from scoring. movements connecting different balances and flight movements. -
Identify the - Warm-Ups: - Increases heart rate and blood flow to muscles. - Reduces smoothly in a Sequence Creation: - Plan sequences that flow naturally. -
- Shooting: Different techniques for effective scoring. Offence The team in possession of the ball, trying to importance of risk of injury. - Prepares body for physical activity. - Components of Warm- sequence. Include a variety of skills for interest.
score points. warm-ups, cool- Up: - Pulse raiser (e.g., jogging). - Dynamic stretches (e.g., leg swings). - Demonstrate - Handstands: - Practice against a wall for support. - Focus on
Decision Can you play in three different positions to some effect? downs, and Sport-specific drills (e.g., basic balances). - Cool-Downs: - Gradually
making Dodge Quick movements to lose a defender and hydration. lowers heart rate. - Reduces muscle stiffness. - Includes static stretches. weight-bearing maintaining body tension and control. - Holding Positions: -
- Versatility: Playing multiple positions with competence. create space. on different Hold balances for at least four seconds. - Show control and
Footwork Can you execute advanced footwork techniques under game Bounce pass A low pass that bounces before reaching the Heart body parts. stillness.
pressure? Create and - Creating Sequences: - Include at least five group movements
receiver. Show - Try new skills and techniques. - Practice regularly to build perform a and linked movements. - Use creativity in designing your
- Footwork: Advanced techniques under competitive conditions. confidence in confidence. - Celebrate small achievements. - Start with simpler sequence sequence. - Performance Tips: - Practice regularly to improve
Chest pass A pass thrown from chest level with both hands. participating in skills and gradually progress. - Use positive self-talk. - Seek
Defending Can you demonstrate effective positioning to support both offense new gymnastic feedback and support from peers and teachers. involving at fluidity. - Perform with confidence and control.
least five group
and defense in a game? Shoulder pass A pass thrown from shoulder height, typically over activities.
a longer distance. movements.
- Positioning: Strategic placement to aid in both offensive and defensive Express interest - Learn about different types of gymnastics (artistic, rhythmic, Reflect on - Self-Assessment: - Reflect on your performance. - Identify
plays. Footwork rule Players must not move their landing foot once in exploring acrobatic). - Watch gymnastic performances for inspiration. - Try performance areas for improvement. - Peer Feedback: - Provide constructive
they have caught the ball. different sports different apparatus and movements. - Participate actively in all
Can you show proficiency in intercepting passes and regaining and activities. activities. - Show enthusiasm and willingness to learn. - Support and identify feedback to peers. - Use feedback to enhance your skills.
possession? Centre pass The pass used to start the game and restart after and encourage classmates. areas for
a goal is scored. improvement.
- Interception: Timing and positioning to intercept passes and regain Participate - Smile and show enthusiasm. - Maintain eye contact during
possession. Court markings Lines on the court indicating different areas of actively with performances. - Use open and confident postures. - Share your
play. positive body enjoyment with others. - Give and receive positive feedback. -
language and Discuss what you enjoy about gymnastics.
Goal circle The area where shooters are allowed to take shots verbal
at the goal. expressions of