Page 52 - Year 8
P. 52

Personal Development: 2 of 2

           YR 8 -Spring 2              Respectful Relationships

           Term                       Definition

       1 Relationship                 The way in which two or more people or things are connected

       2 Inclusion                    Is giving equal access & opportunities & removing discrimination & intolerrance

       3 Extended family A family group which includes relatives such as uncles, aunts, and grandparents

       4 Gender identity              Away to describe how someone feels about their gender

       5 Biological sex               Based on a person’s biological characteristics, including their genitalia, their

                                      reproductive systems, the sex chromosomes in their body and the hormone levels

                                      they produce.
       6 Sexual                       Who someone feels physically and emotionally attracted to.


       7 Gender                       How someone chooses to express their gender identity

       8 The Equality Act A law which protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society

       9 Homophobia                   An umbrella term for prejudice and discrimination against people who identify as or

                                      are perceived to be LGBTQ+.
      10 Stereotype                   A mistaken idea or belief that many people have which maybe untrue or partly true
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