Page 55 - Year 8
P. 55
Badminton PE: 2 of 9 Dance PE: 3 of 9
Assessment Category: Heart (Collaboration and Sportsmanship) Key Terminology
Assessment Question Working Towards Expected Greater Depth Term Definition
Can you work effectively with a partner Participates but relies on the partner’s Communicates and collaborates well Leads and motivates the partnership Popping A style of urban dance that involves quickly contracting and relaxing muscles to create a jerking motion.
in doubles? lead. during doubles gameplay. with clear communication.
Locking A style of urban dance that uses quick, sharp movements followed by pauses or "locks" in position.
Can you coach a basic skill session to a Offers basic feedback with guidance. Provides clear, constructive feedback to Independently leads a session and
small group? peers. tailors feedback to individuals. Dynamics The energy and quality of movement (e.g., sharp, smooth, fast, slow).
How do you show respect during Respects opponents and rules with Consistently shows respect for Promotes respect among peers and Levels The height at which movements are performed (e.g., high, middle, low).
gameplay? occasional reminders. opponents, teammates, and officials. leads by example. Rhythm The pattern of movement in time to music.
Explains how positioning and
Why is teamwork important in doubles Recognises it helps cover the court. communication improve doubles Demonstrates advanced doubles Freeze A static position held to create emphasis or dramatic effect.
badminton? strategies through teamwork.
gameplay. Action and Reaction A choreographic device where one dancer performs an action that triggers a response from another dancer.
How do you support your teammate Encourages partner occasionally. Regularly supports partner with verbal Anticipates partner’s needs and adjusts Transitions The movements used to connect one phrase or sequence to another.
during a match? and tactical input. play accordingly.
Formations The arrangement of dancers in space during a performance.
Musicality The dancer’s sensitivity to and interpretation of the music.
Assessment Category: Hands (Skill Execution and Performance)
Head: Problem Solving
Assessment Question Working Towards Expected Greater Depth
Can you perform an overhead and Executes clears with limited accuracy. Performs clears consistently with Executes clears tactically with advanced Assessment Question Working Towards Expected Greater Depth
underhand clear? control and precision. accuracy and variation. Can you identify characteristics of Can list basic characteristics (e.g., Can identify specific styles like popping Can explain how characteristics
urban dance? sharp movements). and locking. contribute to the style.
Can you execute a drop serve into a Occasionally hits the target area. Consistently places serves into the Places serves with accuracy under
target? target area. pressure in gameplay. Can you define dynamics and levels in Knows basic examples of dynamics or Can define dynamics and levels with Can explain how dynamics and levels
dance? levels. examples. enhance choreography.
Can you perform a smash shot Attempts smashes but lacks control or Executes smashes with accuracy and Delivers smashes with precision and
effectively? power. sufficient power. tactical effectiveness. Can you analyse how rhythm affects Recognises that rhythm connects to Can explain how rhythm enhances Can analyse rhythm's impact on
movement? music. timing and coordination. emotional and visual appeal.
Can you play a forehand and backhand Performs drop shots with inconsistent Executes drop shots consistently with Uses drop shots strategically to outwit
drop shot? control. control. opponents. Can you explain action and reaction in Describes action and reaction in simple Can analyse how it contributes to
choreography? terms. Can identify and describe it in a duet. storytelling in dance.
Consistently maintains a rally with Adjusts shot placement during rallies to
Can you maintain a rally with a partner? Maintains a short rally with errors.
control and good positioning. maintain an advantage. Can you evaluate contrasting dynamics Identifies basic contrasts (e.g., sharp Can explain how dynamics improve Can critically evaluate the creative use
Attempts but struggles with accuracy Serves accurately into the backcourt Adjusts backcourt serves tactically in choreography? vs. smooth). interest and engagement. of contrasting dynamics.
Can you perform a backcourt serve?
and power. target area. based on opponent positioning. Can you reflect on and suggest Gives simple observations (e.g., "It Can provide specific suggestions to Can give detailed evaluations, focusing
improvements for routines? looked good"). improve routines. on technical and expressive elements.