Page 56 - Year 8
P. 56

Dance                                                                                                                            PE: 4 of 9

          Heart: Building Trust and Teamwork
          Assessment Question                  Working Towards                      Expected                             Greater Depth
          Can you collaborate effectively in a   Participates in group discussions but   Actively contributes ideas and listens   Takes leadership in collaboration,
          group?                               with limited input.                  to others.                           ensuring everyone is involved.
          Can you support your partner during   Encourages their partner verbally.  Offers constructive feedback to help   Provides detailed support and suggests
          a duet?                                                                   improve performance.                 creative solutions.
          Can you give constructive feedback   Shares general observations (e.g., "It   Gives specific, helpful feedback (e.g.,   Provides detailed and actionable
          to peers?                            was good").                          "Your transitions could be smoother").  feedback to peers.
                                               Works with others but lacks full     Demonstrates trust by cooperating and   Builds trust by motivating and
          Can you build trust in group tasks?
                                               engagement.                          sharing responsibility.              supporting peers.
          Can you reflect on teamwork and      Identifies basic strengths and       Reflects on how teamwork contributed   Analyses the group dynamic in detail
          identify improvements?               weaknesses.                          to the performance.                  and suggests improvements.

          Hands: Performance Improvement
          Assessment Question                  Working Towards                      Expected                             Greater Depth
          Can you perform foundational         Performs movements with limited      Demonstrates foundational            Executes movements with control,
          movements with control?              precision.                           movements with control and clarity.  style, and rhythm.
          Can you transition from a solo to a   Transitions are unclear or abrupt.  Transitions smoothly between solo and   Transitions seamlessly with creative
          group phrase?                                                             group phrases.                       and expressive elements.
          Can you use dynamics and levels      Uses basic dynamics or levels but    Demonstrates effective use of        Uses dynamics and levels to create
          effectively?                         lacks variety.                       contrasting dynamics and levels.     strong visual impact.
          Can you synchronise with a partner or   Struggles to maintain timing with   Performs in time with a partner or group   Performs with precise synchronisation
          group?                               others.                              consistently.                        and strong connection to others.
          Can you integrate rhythm into your   Movements are not consistently in time   Performs movements in time with   Accentuates rhythm creatively,
          routine?                             with music.                          music, showing rhythmic accuracy.    enhancing the overall performance.

          Can you hold freezes or poses with   Struggles to hold static positions.  Holds freezes with stability and clarity.  Uses freezes to create dramatic impact
          clarity?                                                                                                       and precision.
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