Page 53 - Year 8
P. 53
Personal Development: 2 of 2 Badminton PE: 1 of 9
YR 8 -Spring 2 Respectful Relationships Key Terms
Term Definition
Term Definition Grip The way a player holds the racket to maintain control and accuracy during gameplay.
Ready Position The stance a player adopts to prepare for the next shot, with knees bent and racket at the ready.
Overhead Clear A high, defensive shot played to push the opponent to the back of the court.
1 Relationship The way in which two or more people or things are connected Underhand Clear A low, lifting shot played underarm to push the shuttle to the back of the opponent’s court.
2 Inclusion Is giving equal access & opportunities & removing discrimination & intolerrance Smash A powerful, attacking shot played downwards into the opponent’s court to win a point.
Drop Shot A delicate shot played close to the net to bring the opponent forward.
3 Extended family A family group which includes relatives such as uncles, aunts, and grandparents Flick Shot A deceptive, quick shot designed to push the shuttle to the back of the court unexpectedly.
Singles A game with one player on each side of the court.
4 Gender identity Away to describe how someone feels about their gender Doubles A game with two players on each side of the court.
Trajectory The path the shuttle takes during a shot.
5 Biological sex Based on a person’s biological characteristics, including their genitalia, their
reproductive systems, the sex chromosomes in their body and the hormone levels Assessment Category: Head (Understanding and Tactical Awareness) Expected Greater Depth
Working Towards
Assessment Question
they produce. Why is the correct grip important in Explains how grip improves control and Justifies how grip variations affect
6 Sexual Who someone feels physically and emotionally attracted to. badminton? Identifies that grip helps control. accuracy. gameplay effectiveness.
orientation When should you use an overhead Identifies it is used to push the Explains its use to regain control of the Analyses its effectiveness in specific
opponent back.
game scenarios.
7 Gender How someone chooses to express their gender identity How does the racket face angle affect Understands that it changes the Explains how the angle affects Demonstrates control over trajectory
expression shuttle direction? shuttle's path. trajectory and shot precision. with intentional racket angle use.
8 The Equality Act A law which protects people from discrimination in the workplace and wider society When should a drop shot be used? States it is used to bring the opponent Explains its tactical use in disrupting an Describes its use within complex rally
opponent’s position.
9 Homophobia An umbrella term for prejudice and discrimination against people who identify as or What is the difference between singles Recognises basic court and scoring Explains key rule differences and Applies singles and doubles rules
effectively during gameplay.
positioning strategies.
and doubles rules?
are perceived to be LGBTQ+. Why is it important to return to the States it helps cover more court space. Explains how it prepares a player for the Analyses its role in maintaining tactical
10 Stereotype A mistaken idea or belief that many people have which maybe untrue or partly true middle of the court? next shot. court control.