Page 54 - Year 8
P. 54

Badminton                                                                                                                         PE: 2 of 9

         Assessment Category: Heart (Collaboration and Sportsmanship)

         Assessment Question                   Working Towards                      Expected                              Greater Depth
         Can you work effectively with a partner   Participates but relies on the partner’s   Communicates and collaborates well   Leads and motivates the partnership
         in doubles?                           lead.                                during doubles gameplay.              with clear communication.
         Can you coach a basic skill session to a   Offers basic feedback with guidance.  Provides clear, constructive feedback to   Independently leads a session and
         small group?                                                               peers.                                tailors feedback to individuals.
         How do you show respect during        Respects opponents and rules with    Consistently shows respect for        Promotes respect among peers and
         gameplay?                             occasional reminders.                opponents, teammates, and officials.  leads by example.
                                                                                    Explains how positioning and
         Why is teamwork important in doubles   Recognises it helps cover the court.  communication improve doubles       Demonstrates advanced doubles
         badminton?                                                                                                       strategies through teamwork.
         How do you support your teammate      Encourages partner occasionally.     Regularly supports partner with verbal   Anticipates partner’s needs and adjusts
         during a match?                                                            and tactical input.                   play accordingly.

         Assessment Category: Hands (Skill Execution and Performance)
         Assessment Question                   Working Towards                      Expected                              Greater Depth

         Can you perform an overhead and       Executes clears with limited accuracy.  Performs clears consistently with   Executes clears tactically with advanced
         underhand clear?                                                           control and precision.                accuracy and variation.

         Can you execute a drop serve into a   Occasionally hits the target area.   Consistently places serves into the   Places serves with accuracy under
         target?                                                                    target area.                          pressure in gameplay.

         Can you perform a smash shot          Attempts smashes but lacks control or   Executes smashes with accuracy and   Delivers smashes with precision and
         effectively?                          power.                               sufficient power.                     tactical effectiveness.

         Can you play a forehand and backhand   Performs drop shots with inconsistent   Executes drop shots consistently with   Uses drop shots strategically to outwit
         drop shot?                            control.                             control.                              opponents.
                                                                                    Consistently maintains a rally with   Adjusts shot placement during rallies to
         Can you maintain a rally with a partner?  Maintains a short rally with errors.
                                                                                    control and good positioning.         maintain an advantage.
                                               Attempts but struggles with accuracy   Serves accurately into the backcourt   Adjusts backcourt serves tactically
         Can you perform a backcourt serve?
                                               and power.                           target area.                          based on opponent positioning.
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