Page 81 - Year 10 Knowledge Organiser
P. 81
PE: Component 1 Task 3: 7 of 8 PE: Component 1 Task 3: 8 of 8
Task 3 Summary Keyword Definition
Justification Justification Justification Part Task Details breathing rate The number of breaths taken in one minute.
of activities/respons of activities/respons of activities/respons Component cardiorespirat The heart and the lungs working together to get oxygen into the body and transport it to the muscles.
es to es to es to Part Planning a - Produce a comprehensive warm-up plan for a ory system They also remove the waste gas, carbon dioxide.
cardiorespiratory and cardiorespiratory and cardiorespiratory and 1 warm-up and specific participant preparing to take part in a chosen compound A stretch that targets more than one muscle group.
musculoskeletal syst musculoskeletal syst musculoskeletal syst justifying the physical activity. - Justify why you have chosen each stretch
em em em activities activity in the warm-up.
depth of The amount of air inhaled into the lungs in each breath.
Responses to Responses Responses to Requirements - A warm-up plan with a pulse raiser, a mobilizer, and breathing
the Cardiorespiratory to the Cardiorespirat the Cardiorespiratory preparation stretches. - Reasons why each activity in dynamic A stretch that is performed while moving.
system: ory system: system: the warm-up meets the participant's needs. - Reasons stretch
why each activity in the warm-up will prepare the
- Increased HR - Slight drop in HR - Slight drop in HR and participant for the chosen physical activity. - An feedback Information about a participant’s performance given to the participant. It can be positive or corrective.
• Increased breat as intensity lowers breathing rate account of the responses of the cardiorespiratory and heart rate How fast the heart beats. It’s normally given in beats per minute.
hing rate - Slight drop for static stretches musculoskeletal systems to each activity.
• Increased depth in breathing rate - Maintained Top Tips for - Consider the characteristics of the participant. - impact The force exerted on the bones and joints during exercise.
of breathing as intensity lowers elevated heart and Part 1 Think about your chosen physical activity. Are there intensity How hard a participant is working or training.
• Increased suppl Responses to breathing rate for any movements or equipment involved that you could
y of oxygen the Musculoskeletal dynamic stretches Adapting warm ups for different participants/activities introduce in the warm-up? - Target the muscles that mobiliser An activity which takes a joint through its full range of movement. Mobilisers should be done as part of a
warm-up after the pulse raiser.
to working musc system: Responses to will be used in the physical activity.
les - Increased production the Musculoskeletal Participants Activities Part Delivering a - Demonstrate confident practical ability in delivering musculoskelet The muscles and skeleton. They work together to allow us to move.
al system
• Increased remov of synovial fluid in the system: • Varying intensities • Introduction of equipment specific 2 warm-up and your planned warm-up and supporting the
al of lactic acid joints to increase - Extending • Low and high impact to physical activity supporting participants as they take part in it. oxygen The gas from the air that the muscles need for respiration.
lubrication of joint and muscles so they are • Varying time for the warm • Using movements and activities participants pliability (of a The ability of a muscle to lengthen (stretch) and shorten without damage.
Responses to range of movement full stretched up (longer for beginners/those with from the physical activity during it muscle)
the Musculoskeletal reduces injuries low fitness levels/50years+) • Stretching the main muscles Requirements - Demonstrations of the warm-up activities. - Clear preparation Activities that stretch the main muscles that will be used in the physical activity.
system: (eg. Strains) • Types of stretches used (simple required for the activity instructions and teaching points. - Appropriate stretches
• Increased tempe for beginners, compound stretch feedback to the participants throughout. pulse raiser An activity done at the start of a warm-up to increase the heart rate and prepare the body for exercise.
rature for moderate/advanced Top Tips for - Write down your teaching points in advance so you
of muscles participants) Part 2 don’t miss any. - Practice giving clear instructions – respiration The process which occurs in muscles to release energy for exercise. It needs oxygen and produces
carbon dioxide as a waste product.
• Increased pliabil Delivering a Warm Up writing a script could help. - Think about examples of
ity of muscles feedback you could give to participants. simple stretch A stretch which targets a single muscle group.
• Reduced risk Organisation and Demonstration Supporting Participants static stretch A stretch held without any movement.
of muscle • Space (area used) • Observing strain (of a An injury to the muscle fibres. They may be overstretched or torn. It occurs when a muscle is stretched
strain • Equipment • Providing instructions, teaching muscle) or twisted beyond its comfortable limit.
• Organisation of participants points and feedback to participants
• Timing synovial fluid The fluid which lubricates joints. A mobiliser activity causes more of it to be produced in the joint
• Demonstrations
• Positioning warm-up A process that prepares the body to take part in physical activity.