Page 53 - Year 11 Knowledge Organiser
P. 53
Health & Social Care: Component 2B Task 1: 8 of 11 Health & Social Care: Component 2B Task 1: 9 of 11
Task 1 Top Tips 2. Attributes
How skills are demonstrated by professionals in the health and social Look carefully at which skills, attributes and values have been chosen and Attribute Description Examples
care sector. make sure that you focus on them. Empathy Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to another person's Helping a person feel less anxious and more
How attributes are demonstrated by professionals in the health and Avoid general comments. feelings. It helps care professionals see things from the perspective of trusting, making them listen to advice.
social care sector. those they are caring for, making them feel understood and supported.
How values are demonstrated by professionals in the health and social Think hard about how the skills, attributes and values given can be Patience Patience is the ability to deal with delays or difficult situations without Doctors explaining information multiple times
care sector. demonstrated when supporting or caring for an individual. becoming annoyed. It's essential for working with individuals who have to dementia patients, or counsellors waiting
Reasons why skills, attributes and values are important when caring for Remember to think carefully about the reasons why skills, attributes and different needs and may take longer to understand or perform tasks. for patients to open up.
an individual. values are so important. Trustworthiness Trustworthiness means being reliable and deserving of trust. Care Building a good relationship by respecting
professionals must be trusted to take care of individuals' needs and choices and avoiding judgement, following
1. Skills provide accurate information and advice. any advice given.
Skill Description Examples
Problem Solving Problem solving skills allow a person to work out the cause of a problem Doctors use problem solving to determine Honesty Honesty involves giving correct information about a person's condition or Ensuring patients know all treatment options
and find ways to overcome it. These skills can help care professionals what's wrong with a patient and develop a situation, ensuring they are involved in decisions about their care. It before an operation, allowing informed
handle difficult or unexpected situations. It involves assessing a person's treatment plan. includes making them aware of risks and options available. decisions.
needs and working out the best way to help them. 3. Values
Observation Observation skills refer to a person's ability to pay attention to what's Monitoring a person's condition, noticing Value Description Examples
going on around them and notice changes. This is crucial for monitoring physical symptoms and adjusting care Care Care is about providing correct, consistent, and high-quality care by Listening to needs, adapting care, referring to different
a person's condition and making necessary adjustments in care. accordingly. listening to individual needs, adapting care, and referring to appropriate services.
Dealing with It's important for care professionals to keep calm during difficult Dealing with a person showing challenging Compassion Compassion involves building relationships based on empathy, respect, Acknowledging feelings, listening to preferences,
Difficult Situations situations. This includes dealing with challenging behaviour and behaviour, delivering bad news, and ensuring and dignity, and showing understanding and consideration for others' providing emotional support.
delivering bad news while remaining sensitive and compassionate. everyone is kept safe. feelings and needs.
Organisation Organisational skills involve planning time and workload effectively. Care Helping an elderly person take their Competence Competence involves understanding a person's needs and having the Identifying needs, choosing best care, carrying out
professionals need to keep files and paperwork organised and reduce medication on time, keeping files organised, knowledge and skills to deliver effective and appropriate care based on specific procedures.
the likelihood of problems occurring during the caring process. and accessing information quickly. research.
Communication Communication involves using both spoken language and body language Keeping informed, listening to preferences, adapting
effectively to explain care, listen to needs, and adapt language to language.
overcome barriers.
Courage Courage involves doing the right thing for people, speaking up about Owning up to mistakes, speaking up for improvements,
concerns, and ensuring people get the care they need even if it’s difficult. reporting abuse.
Commitment Commitment involves being dedicated to improving care, putting Putting needs first, working to best ability, updating
individuals' needs first, maintaining high-quality care, and continuously skills, responding to feedback.
updating skills and knowledge.