Page 99 - Year 10
P. 99

PE: Component 1 Task 3: 8 of 8                                                                                                    RE: Islam: 1 of 1

 Task 3 Summary  Keyword  Definition  Context:                                                                            Keywords:                                  Beliefs and Practices
 Part  Task   Details  breathing rate  The number of breaths taken in one minute.
 Component  cardiorespirat  The heart and the lungs working together to get oxygen into the body and transport it to the muscles.   Allah: the one and true God   Malaikah: Muslims believe that there are angels   Ibadah: acts of worship
 Part   Planning a   - Produce a comprehensive warm-up plan for a   ory system  They also remove the waste gas, carbon dioxide.  Tawhid: ‘Oneness’ in reference to God.  The basic   that have been created by God.    Shahadah: the declaration of faith
            Muslim belief in the oneness of God
                                                                                                                      Salah/salat: bowing or worship (prayer)
                                                                   Jibril: the angel of revelation
 1  warm-up and   specific participant preparing to take part in a chosen   compound   A stretch that targets more than one muscle group.
 justifying the   physical activity. - Justify why you have chosen each   stretch  Prophethood or ‘Risalah’: term used in reference to   Israfil/Rafael: the angel who will blow the trumpet   Sawm/saum: fasting during Ramadan
 activities  activity in the warm-up.  messengers of God beginning with Adam and ending   Mikhail: the angel who keeps the devil out of   Zakah/zakat: alms giving (giving of charity to the
 depth of   The amount of air inhaled into the lungs in each breath.  with Muhammad   heaven and brings rain          poor) 2.5% of one’s income or time
 Requirements  - A warm-up plan with a pulse raiser, a mobilizer, and   breathing
 preparation stretches. - Reasons why each activity in   dynamic   A stretch that is performed while moving.  Halal: permitted actions or things e.g permitted foods   Munkar and Nakir: two terrifying and judging angels  Hajj: pilgrimage to Mecca
 the warm-up meets the participant's needs. - Reasons   stretch  Haram: any actions or things that are not permitted    who will question each person after their death   Rakah: movements during salah
 why each activity in the warm-up will prepare the   e.g eating pork or drinking alcohol   Raqib and Atid: noble recorders that keep records   Ramadan: ninth month in the Islamic calendar
 participant for the chosen physical activity. - An   feedback  Information about a participant’s performance given to the participant. It can be positive or corrective.  Jihad: strive: comes in two forms   of good and bad deeds to be read on the day of   Laylat-Ul-Qadir: the day the Qur’an was
 account of the responses of the cardiorespiratory and   heart rate  How fast the heart beats. It’s normally given in beats per minute.
 musculoskeletal systems to each activity.  Greater jihad: struggle against inner spiritual lives   judgement         revealed to Prophet Muhammad
 impact  The force exerted on the bones and joints during exercise.  Lesser jihad: physical struggle or holy war in defence of   Azrail: the archangel who takes souls at death   Id-ul-Adha: the festival of sacrifices that show
 Top Tips for   - Consider the characteristics of the participant. -   Islam                                          commitment by Ibrahim
 Part 1  Think about your chosen physical activity. Are there   intensity  How hard a participant is working or training.
 any movements or equipment involved that you could   mobiliser  An activity which takes a joint through its full range of movement. Mobilisers should be done as part of a   Mosque or Masjid: a place of worship for Muslims   Sin of Shirk: associating other beings or things with   Id-ul-Fitr: the festival of breaking the fast at the
 introduce in the warm-up? - Target the muscles that   warm-up after the pulse raiser.  Shari’ah (straight path): a way of life as set using moral   God.     end of Ramadan
 will be used in the physical activity.  and religious rules found in the Qur’an and Hadith   Taqwa: awareness of Allah   Ashura: day of sorrow and inspiration for Shi’a
 musculoskelet  The muscles and skeleton. They work together to allow us to move.
 Part   Delivering a   - Demonstrate confident practical ability in delivering   al system  Qur’an: Islamic holy text   Laylat-ul-Qadr: the Night of Power when the first   Islam
 2  warm-up and   your planned warm-up and supporting the   Ummah: Muslim community who share religious   part of the Qur’an was revealed to Prophet   10 Obligatory Acts by Shi’a Islam
 supporting   participants as they take part in it.  oxygen  The gas from the air that the muscles need for respiration.  identity   Muhammad
 participants   pliability (of a   The ability of a muscle to lengthen (stretch) and shorten without damage.
 during it  muscle)  Hafiz: one who has memorised the whole Qur’an
            Hadith: an account describing the words and actions or   Allah is a judge who considers intentions as well as
 Requirements  - Demonstrations of the warm-up activities. - Clear   preparation   Activities that stretch the main muscles that will be used in the physical activity.  Prophet Muhammad   actions.
 instructions and teaching points. - Appropriate   stretches
 feedback to the participants throughout.  pulse raiser  An activity done at the start of a warm-up to increase the heart rate and prepare the body for exercise.  Imam: a leader in a local Mosque   Niyyah: intentions to worship God
                                                                   Barzakh: a place of waiting after death until
            Sunni: a sect of Islam that belief Imams are capable of
 Top Tips for   - Write down your teaching points in advance so you   respiration  The process which occurs in muscles to release energy for exercise. It needs oxygen and produces   leading and teaching God’s people.   judgement day
 Part 2  don’t miss any. - Practice giving clear instructions –   carbon dioxide as a waste product.
 writing a script could help. - Think about examples of   Shia: a sect of Islam that belief Imams are descendants   Janna: heaven
 feedback you could give to participants.  simple stretch  A stretch which targets a single muscle group.  of Prophet Muhammad and are all chosen by God   Jahanaam: hell
 static stretch  A stretch held without any movement.              Freewill: Allah gave us free will do to as we wish but
            Akirah: belief in afterlife                            with consequences of our choices
 strain (of a   An injury to the muscle fibres. They may be overstretched or torn. It occurs when a muscle is stretched
 muscle)  or twisted beyond its comfortable limit.  Al-Qadr: Belief in God’s predestination; God is
            responsible for everything and has set out a divine
 synovial fluid  The fluid which lubricates joints. A mobiliser activity causes more of it to be produced in the joint
 involved.  destiny for all things

 warm-up  A process that prepares the body to take part in physical activity.
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