Page 97 - Year 10
P. 97
PE: Component 1 Task 2: 6 of 8 PE: Component 1 Task 3: 7 of 8
Task 2 Summary Keyword Definition
Justification Justification Justification
Task Descriptio Details action camera A device designed to take a snapshot of a fast-moving subject. E.g. a diver in mid- of activities/respons of activities/respons of activities/respons
n es to es to es to
aerodynamic A shape or material which reduces the wind drag force acting on the object.
Choose One - Sport cardiorespiratory and cardiorespiratory and cardiorespiratory and
Physical - Outdoor activity analysis Detailed examination of a topic/subject. musculoskeletal syst musculoskeletal syst musculoskeletal syst
Activity - Physical fitness activity assistive Used by people with disabilities to help them access sport or physical activities em em em
Justification of - Explain the different types of sports clothing and equipment required technology more easily. E.g. prosthetics allow athletes with physical impairments to run. Responses to Responses Responses to
Equipment and for the chosen activity. composite Made by combining materials with different properties. Often lighter and stronger
Clothing material than traditional materials. the Cardiorespiratory to the Cardiorespirat the Cardiorespiratory
system: ory system: system:
Justification of - Describe the different types of technology available to participants in disability sports These include sports adapted for people with a disability, e.g. wheelchair basketball, - Increased HR - Slight drop in HR - Slight drop in HR and
Technology the chosen activity. and new sports designed for people with disabilities, e.g. goalball. • Increased breat as intensity lowers breathing rate
Benefits - Provide an account of the benefits of using this technology. facilities Purpose-built places for people to take part in sport and physical activity. hing rate - Slight drop for static stretches
Limitations - Provide an account of the limitations of using this technology. GPS A system that uses signals from satellites to identify the location of an object. • Increased depth in breathing rate - Maintained
officiating Managing a sporting event to make sure the rules and regulations are followed, e.g. a of breathing as intensity lowers elevated heart and
Additional referee at a football match. • Increased suppl Responses to breathing rate for
Guidance y of oxygen the Musculoskeletal dynamic stretches Adapting warm ups for different participants/activities
performance Observing a participant or a team and identifying areas where improvement is
Content - Include various types of equipment and assistive technology if analysis needed. May use video replays or data from sensors. to working musc system: Responses to Participants Activities
Suggestions relevant. - Consider the accessibility of the technology for the les - Increased production the Musculoskeletal
participant. - Compare the benefits and limitations of each technology. - PPE Personal protective equipment. Worn to protect the participant. E.g. a helmet • Increased remov of synovial fluid in the system: • Varying intensities • Introduction of equipment specific
Avoid mentioning irrelevant clothing, technology, or equipment. protects the head against impact. al of lactic acid joints to increase - Extending • Low and high impact to physical activity
Presentation - Can include a combination of slides, written notes, and video. prosthetics Artificial body parts, such as running blades. lubrication of joint and muscles so they are • Varying time for the warm • Using movements and activities
Format rebound When something springs back from a surface. Improved rebound in sports footwear Responses to range of movement full stretched up (longer for beginners/those with from the physical activity
helps an athlete jump higher. the Musculoskeletal reduces injuries low fitness levels/50years+) • Stretching the main muscles
Tips for the - Ensure to cover both clothing and footwear. - Offer a range of • Types of stretches used (simple required for the activity
Task equipment types and their purposes. - Use specific examples to sensor A device which can be attached to equipment or clothing to collect data. system: (eg. Strains) for beginners, compound stretch
illustrate points. - Focus on relevant items for the chosen activity. sport Competitive physical activity which has rules and regulations and a National • Increased tempe for moderate/advanced
Governing Body. rature participants)
of muscles
sport-specific Something that is adapted to make it ideal for a particular sport, e.g. a rugby • Increased pliabil
wheelchair. Delivering a Warm Up
ity of muscles
thermoregulation A process that allows your body to maintain its core internal temperature. • Reduced risk Organisation and Demonstration Supporting Participants
video-assisted Systems that record sporting action from many different angles. Video replays can of muscle • Space (area used) • Observing
decision-making help an official make the correct decision, e.g. whether a tennis shot is in or out. strain • Equipment • Providing instructions, teaching
systems • Organisation of participants points and feedback to participants
• Timing
• Demonstrations
• Positioning