Page 95 - Year 10
P. 95
PE: Component 1 Task 1: 4 of 8 PE: Component 1 Task 2: 5 of 8
Power The ability to exert a maximal force in as short a time as possible. LAB – examine equipment and technology for participants to use when taking part in sport and physical activity
Category Description Advantages Disadvantages
Reaction Time The time it takes to respond to a stimulus.
Clothing • Sports kit, waterproof clothing, training • Clothing to increase performance: improved - Accessibility due to cost
Body Composition The ratio of fat to fat-free mass in the body. Footwear clothing e.g. bibs thermoregulation, clothing designed to improve - Cost
• Footwear: trainers, studded boots, sport aerodynamics
Motor Skills The abilities required to perform complex muscle and nerve acts that produce movement. specific footwear • Footwear: sport specific new designs or
materials leading to better grip, rebound
Gross Motor Skills Large movements involving the use of large muscles.
Sport • Participant equipment: e.g. balls, rackets - New materials for lightness and strength (composite - Accessibility due to cost
Fine Motor Skills Small movements using smaller muscle groups. Specific Eq • Travel related equipment: e.g. kayak materials. E.g. tennis racket) - Cost
uipment: - Scoring equipment: e.g. goal posts - New designs to improve performance (e.g. golf driver
Hydration Maintaining adequate fluid levels in the body to ensure optimal performance and health. • Fitness training equipment: e.g. dumbbells – bigger head and more forgiving)
Nutritional Balance Consuming the right amounts of nutrients to support physical activity and overall health. Protection - Mouth guards, helmets, body protection, eye - Improved protection design, lighter weight, improved - Accessibility due to cost
and safety: protection, flotation devices, first aid equipment performance. E.g. shape of cycling helmets to be more - Cost
Cardiovascular The ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to working muscles during sustained physical activity. (bandages, ice packs, defibrillator) aerodynamic
Endurance Equipment e.g. wheelchair - Prosthetics, sport specific wheelchairs, equipment to - Accessibility due to cost
Muscular Endurance The ability of muscles to sustain repeated contractions or continue applying force against a fixed object. for those help those with hearing and visual impairments - Cost
with disabili - Usability (specific training required)
Mental Toughness The ability to stay focused and perform under pressure. ties:
Facilities: - Indoor sports hall/gyms, outdoor - Stimulate environments to replicate competition in - Accessibility due to cost
Resilience The ability to recover quickly from difficulties and maintain performance levels. pitches, climbing walls, snow domes other locations. E.g all weather pitches - Cost
Self-Efficacy Belief in one's own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. Officiating e - Whistle, microphone, earpiece - Computer assisted systems, VAR - Accessibility due to cost
quipment: - Cost
Performanc - Smart watches, heart rate monitors, applications - Action cameras, GPS, sensors • Time: setting up, using equipment, compiling
e analysis: on clothing/equipment date, giving feedback to participant
• Access to technology: equality and unfair
advantages as not everyone has technology
• Cost: initial cost is expensive and
• Accuracy of data
• Usability: specific training required